Poikkea Aikakoneessa osoitteessa

Itsenäisyydenkatu 12-14
33500 Tampere

ma-pe klo 11-17.00
la klo 10-14




p. 0400 834 838



Blues, rhythm´n blues

LP:t (CD:t alempana omassa osastossaan)

*V/A Atlantic Blues M-/ex 8-LP-BOX -86 -Saksa 40e
*Taylor; Hound Dog: Take five 6 raidan 10" UUSI 20e
*Milburn, Amos: 13 unreleased masters M-/ex -83-Aladdin -Ranska 15e
*Milburn, Amos: Rare masters M-/ex -86-Aladdin -Ranska 15e
*Houston, Joe: Rockin at the Drive-in M-/ex 80-luvun Ace 13e
*Jordan, Louis: Let the good times roll M-/ex -65-UK, hieno piirroskansi 15e
*Big Town Playboys: Playboy boogie! M-/ex- Uk-orig. 12e
*Roomful of Blues: Hot little mama ex-/ex Uk-orig. 12e
*Crudup, Arthur: Crudup´s mood ex/M- 70-luvun Us-painos, shrink 20e
*Black Ace: S/T ex/ex- Arhoolie F1003, labelissä deep groove -kaiverrus, joten oisko peräti 60-luvun Us-painos 20e
*Lipscomb, Mance: Texas shartecropper and songsten ex-/vg+ Us-70, liite 20e
*Lockwood, Robert Jr: Steady rollin man ex-/vg+ 70-luvun Us-painos 15e
*Brown, Clarence Gatemouth: Alright again M-/ex Uk-orig. 15e
*V/A Sweet Home Chicago ex/ex- Delmark DS.618 Uk-orig. 17e
*Collins, Albert: Iceman M-/ex Eu-orig. inn, ins 15e
*Harris, Wynonie: Here comes the blues M-/M- -88-Tanska 15e
*Jackson, Chuck: Tribute to Rhythm and blues ex/ex Uk-orig. (-66) 35e
, *Vaughan Brothers: Family Style M-/ex Hollanti-orig inn 13e
*V/A Fifties: R&B vocal groups M-/ex- 80-luvun Ace gs 10e
*V/A Atlantic Honkkers- A rhyth & blues saxophone antholgy M-/ex- -86-Us 2-LP gs co 10e
*Page, Jimmy, Sonny Boy Williamson & Brian auger: S/T ex/vg+ -82-Uk swol 10e
*Vinson, Eddie Cleanhead & Roomful of Blues: S/T M-/ex Ranska-orig 10e
*Rockin Sidney: My toot toot M-/ex 80-luvun Ace 10e
*Smith, Huey Piano: Rockin and jivin M-/ex- 80-luvun Charly-Uk 10e
*Bishop, Elvin: Struttin my stuff ex/vg+ Us-orig. hieno Capricorinin promotarra oc, sstol 10e
*Hooker, John Lee: The Healer M-/M- Saksa-orig. 10e
*Winter, Johnny: Winter of 88 ex/ex- Saksa-orig, 9e
*Turner, Big Joe: Bluer than blue/Big wheel -7" -single M-/- Us-orig. Bluesway-pussi 7e
*King, Albert: Night stomp/Blues power 7"-single M-/- Us-orig, co thru label 7e
*King, Albert: As the years go passing by/The Hunter 7"-single M-/- Us-orig. Atlantic-pussi co thru label 5e
*Little Willie John: There´s a difference/Sleep 7"-single M-/- US-orig. King-pussi 7e
*Walker, T-Bone: Every night I have to cry/Confusion blues 7"-single M-/- US-orig. Bluesway-pussi 8e
*Platters: Washed ashore/What name shall I give you my love 7"-single M-/- Us-orig Musicor-pussi co thru label 5e
*Charles, Ray: Genius hits the road ex/Ex -71-US-repro vuoden 1960 albumista shrink 12e
*Crayton. PW: Peace of Mind ex/ex hieno Charlyn 10" UK 15e
*Dean, Tommy: Denia boy pöays hot rhythn and blues M-/ex 80-luvn Official 10e
*Wallis, Van: They call me Pianon man M-/ex- Ruotsi-orig. 8e
*V/A Jumpin the Blues vol. 3 M-/ex- 80-luvun Ace 10e
*V/A Blues women with Taft Jordan 1952 M-/ex Krazy Kat 10e
*V/A Jake Porter Story M-/ex- Ace-Uk 10e
*V/A Jake Porter´s Combo records story vol. 2 M-/ex- Ace 10e
*Nelson, Jimmy: Watch that action M-/ex- Ace 12e
*Hastings, Count Red: And Danny Turner & Eddie Woodlan M-/ex Krazy Kat -Uk 10e
*Thomas, Joe: Jumpin with M-/ex- Swingtime 8e
*McShann, Jay: Hooties KC Blues M-/ex- Affinity-Uk 7e
*Fowler, TJ: Early Detroit R&B M-/- 80-luvun Official 10e
*Nutmegs: Greatest hits ex/ex- Heral-US 10e
*Wilson, Jackie: 14 hits with Billy Ward & the Dominoes M-/ex- 70-luvun Saksa-painos 8e
*Dominoes: All their hits M-/M- shrink 70-luvun Us-painos 10e
*Fiestas The O So fine ex/ex- 80-luvun Ace 10e
*Witherspoon, Jimmy: Hey Mr Landlord M-/ex Ruotsi-painos 10e
*Otis, Johnny: Gee Baby M-/ex. Ruotsi-painos gs 10e
*Vocaleers: Is it a dream? M-/ex Relic-US 12e
*Jaguars: The way you look tonight ex/ex Ruotsi-painos gs 10e
*Hollywood Flames: The John Dolphin sessions ex/ex- Ruotsi-painos 10e
*V/A Dolphin´s of Hollywood the Do wop sessions ex/ex- Ruotsi-painos 8e
*V/A Vocal Group alum M-/ex 2-LP Savoys-Us gs swobc 13e
*Chanters: Best of with Bud Johnson M-/M- shirnk Us-painos 10e
*Turbans: S/T M-/M- shrink Heald-US 10e
*Five Crwons: The Rainbow sessions ex/ex shrink Relic-Us 10e
*Casanovas: Sing You are my queen M-/M- Us-painos shrink 10e
*Larks: When I leave these prison walls M-/M- Apollo-US shrink 8e
*Four Vagabonds: Yesterdays memories M-/vg+ Apllo US gs 8e
*Jones Brothers: Stop the sun, stop the moon M-/ex- Ruotsi-orig gs 8e
*Carter Brothers: Blues in session M-/ex- 80-luvun Charly.UK 8e
*Brown, Charles: Race track blues ex/ex Ruotsi-orig. inn 10e
*Nighthawks: Hot spot M-/ex Us-orig. 8e
*V/A Jump Children M-/ex- Charly-Uk 12e
*Love, Clayton: Come on home blues ex/vg+ Red LIghtnini Uk 10" 8e
*McDaniels, Gene: Hit after hit M-/vg+ Us-orig. mono 10e
*Horton, Walter: Cant keep lovin you M-/ex- Us-orig, 10e
*McGhee, Brownie and Sonny Terry: Sings ex/ex- Us-Folkways 70-luvun alusta, insert 25e
*Little Walter: Chess Golden Years M-/ex Ranska-orig. 2-LP swobc 15e
*Willliamson, Sonny Boy: Bummer road ex-/ex70-luvun alun Us-painos co 10e
*Horton, Shakey: The Soul of blue harmonica M-/ex 70-luvun Chess-Ranska 15e *King, Albert - Otis Rush: Door to door M-/ex- Suomi-painos 15e
*Mahal, Taj: Happy to be like I am ex/ex- Us-orig swc gs 10e

Abshire, Nathan: Good times killin me ex/ex Uk-orig. 7e
Allen, Dave: Color blind ex-/ex- 80-luvun Espanja-painos 8e
Alston, Shirley: With... Mint(Sealed)/M Us-orig Flamingos, 5 Satins, Belmonts ym. co 15e
Andrews, Lee: Sings M-/ex 70-luvun Us-painos 10e
Ardoin Family Orchestra: With Dewie Balfa M-/ex -81-Uk kannessa Anttilan hintalappu, poistettavissa? 8e
Ardoin Family Orchestra with Dewie Balfa A couple of cajuns M-/ex Uk-orig- 7e
Belvin, Jesse; Memorial album M-/ex- 80-luvun Uk-Ace 10e
Benton, Brook: Endlessly ex/ex Us-orig. mono 10e
Benton, Brook: I love you in so many ways ex/ex- Us-orig. stereo 10e
Benton, Brook: It´s just a matter of time ex/ex- Us-orig. stereo 10e
Bishop, Elvin: Hog heaven ex/ex Us-orig. co 10e
Bloomfield, Michael: Analine M-/ex- Uk-orig. 10e
Blues Band: Itchy feet M-/ex- Ruotsi-orig, 8e
Blues Brothers: Everybody needs M-/ex Saksa-orig. 8e
Blues Brothers Band: In Montreux ex/ex Saksa-orig. 7e
Bonner, Juke Boy: The Texas Troubadour M-/M- Us-orig, shrink 10e
Bradford, Geoff: The Right string M-/ex Uk-orig. 20e
Brooks, Lonnie: Turn on the Night M-/M- Uk-orig. 9e
Broonzy, Big Bill: S/T M-/ex- 70-luvun Archive of folk US 10e
Broonzy, Bill-Sonny Terry-Brownie McGhee ex/ex 70-luvun alun UK-painos -65-Extra-LP:stä 13e
Brown, Buster: Get down with ex/ex- Us-orig. Soufle Blues soul series vol. 2 8e
Brown, Charles: Sunny road ex-/vg+ Route 66 10e
Brown, JT and His Boogie Boys: Rockin with JT ex/ex Flyright-UK 12e
Brown, Ruth: Along comes Ruth ex-/ex- Us-orig. promo mono, swol, swobc 25
Buckwheat Zydeco: Taking it home M-/ex Uk-orig. 5e
Bunn, Teddy: 1930-1939 M-/vg+ 10e
Carter, Bill: Loaded dice ex/ex- Us-orig. inn 5e
Carter, Clarence: Sixty minutes man ex/ex- Us-orig. 13e
Carter, Clarence: Soul deep ex/ex 80-luvun Edsel-Uk 10e
Carter, Clarence: Singing for my supper ex/ex Suomi-orig. 15e
Casanovas: You are my Queen M-/ex 80-luvn Apollo-painos 10e
Cephas, John & Harmonica Phil Wiggins: Sweet Bitter Blues ex/ex Saksa-orig. 13e
Charioteers: Jesus is a rock in the weary land ex/ex 80-luvun Gospel jubilee -Ruotsi 10e
Chenier, Clifton: Live at Montreux M-/ex Uk-orig. 2-LP 10e
Chicago Blue Stars: Coming home M-/vg+ Ranska-orig. 15e
Climax Blues Band: Gold plated ex/ex- Us-orig. gs co 8e
Climax Blues Band: Flying the flag M-/ex- Kanada-orig. 7e
Climax, Blues Band: Shine on ex-/ex Saksa-orig. gs 6e
Clovers: All righty oh sweetie M-/ex 80-luvn Dr. Horse 15e
Collins, Albert: Frozen alive M-/ex- Uk-orig. 7e
Collins, Albert: Live in Japan M-/ex Uk-orig. 8e
Collins, Albert: Frozen alive M-/ex Uk-orig. 8e
Copeland, Johnny: Boom Boom M-/ex Ruotsi-orig. 10e
Cotton, James: Live from Chicago M-/ex Ruotsi-orig. takakanness Anttilan hintalaåppu 7e
Cray, Robert Band: False accusations M-/ex Us-orig. 10e
Cray, Robert Band: Bad incluence ex/ex Suomi-orig. 15e
Cray, Robert: Who´s been talkin M-/ex Portugali-orig. inn 8e
Crayton, Pee Wee: Great rhythm & blues vol. 5 ex/ex- 70-luvun Uk-painos 10e
Crothers, Scat Man: Gone ex/ex Us-orig. 10e
Daniels, Chris & the Kings: That´s what I like about south M-/ex Hollanti-orig. stoc 8e
Davenport: Cow Cow: Cow Cow Blues ex-/ex- -77-Hollanti 7e
Dell Vikings: Come go with me M-/ex 70-luvun Uk-painos 10e
Del Vikings: Cool Shake ex/ex 80-luvun Saksa-painos 10e
Dells: From streetcorner to soul ex/ex 80-luvun Charly-Uk swobc 10e
Del Vikings: Swininging, singing record session ex/ex- 80-luvun Saksa-painos 16tr. 10e
Delta Cross Band: Up front ex/ex- Tanska-orig. 7e
Delta Cross Band: Astro-kid ex/ex Tanska-orig. 7e
Delta Rhythm Boys: Tall tan and tender ex/ex- Dr. Horse-Ruotsi 13e
Delta Rhythm Boys: Goin home Suomi-orig. ex/ex- 12e
Delta Rhythm Boys: With Jef Mike and his combo ex-/vg+ 60-luvun Saksa-painos 10e
Doggett, Bill: High and wide ex-/ex Us-orig. -59 mono 13e
Doggett, Bill: Dance a ahile vg+/ex Us-orig. -58 mono 12e
Dominoes: Have mercy baby M-/ex 80-luvun alun Charly-Uk 15e
Dominoes featuring Clyde McPhatter: 18 hits ex/ex 70-luvun King-Us-painos 13,5e
Dominoes: 21 Hits Volume 4 ex/ex 70-luvun King-US small co 13e
Don Julian & the Meadowlarks: Golden classics ex/ex 80-luvun Collectables-US 8e
Dono and the Blue Sway band: The Polaroid album ex-/ex- Saksa-orig. inn 10e
Doucet, Michael-Danny Poullard-Alan Senauke: Cajun Jam Sesson ex/ex Us-orig. 8e
Drifters: Golden hits 70-luvun alun Us-Atlantic-painos ex/ex(-) hrw 12e
Dupree, Jack: Blues for everybody ex/ex- 70-luvun Us-painos 2-LP 10e
Dupree, Champion Jack: Rub a litttle boogie 1945-53 ex/vg+ Krazy kat UK 8e

Eaglin, Snooks: Legacy of the blues vol. 2 ex/ex Uk-orig. 10e
Eaglin, Snooks: Today M-/ex Uk-orig. kannessa Anttilan hintalappu 7e
Earl, Ronnie & the Broadcasters: Smoking M-/ex- Suomi-orig, 15e
Fabulous Thunderbirds: What´s the word M-/ex 80-luvun puolivälin Us-painos 15e
Falcons: I Found Love M-/ex 80-luvun Us-painos, shrink 10e
Falcons, You´re so fine M-/ex 80-luvun Us-painos, shrink 10e
Five Keys: Volume 2 ex/ex- 80-luvun Aladdin-Us 10e
Fleetwood Mac: The History of M-/ex 70/80-luvun vaihteen Uk-painos 2-LP, gs. Kannessa kaksi Anttilan vanhaa hintalappua 10e
Fortune Tellers: Music without tears vg+/vg+ Ranska-orig. hyvää kreikkalaista ränttätänttää 10e
Fulson, Lowell: Blues all around my bed ex/vg+ -81-Saksa -painos 7e
Fulson, Lowell: Hung down head ex-/ex- 70-lucvun alun Us-painos swols, swobc, co 10e
Fulsom, Lowell: Now ex/ex 70-luvun alun Us-painos 15e
Funderbergh, Anson: Rack em up M-/M- Uk-orig. 9e
Gabe, Prince & the Millionaires: Memories of Beale street ex/ex Us-orig. Prince Gaben nimmarilla 15e
Gaylords: 16 big hits ex/ex 80-luvun painos 10e
Gelato, Ray Giant of Jive: S/T M-/ex Saksa-orig. 10e
Gillum, Jazz: Me and my buddy M-/ex 80-luvun Swingtime 10e
Gillum, William Jazz: Jazz Gillum vol. 1 ex-/vg+ 80-luvun Ranska-painos 8e
Golden Gate Quartet: Wings over the Jordan ex-/vg+ 60-luvun alun Saksa-painos 10" 15e
Great Metropolitan Steam Band: S/T ex/ex- Us-orig. co 20e
Green, Peter: Kolors M-/ex Uk-orig. 20e
Green, Lil. Romance in the dark ex/ex- Us-orig. (-71) gs co 10e
Grushecky, Joe & the Housercokers: Rock and real M-/ex Saksa-orig. 6e
Harptones: Featuring Willie Winfield M-/ex Relic-US 10e
Harptones: Featuring Willie Winfield ex/M- Relic-US 8e
Harris, Wynonie: Good rockin Blues M-/ex- 70-luvcun Us-painos 2-LP 15e
Hawkins, Jay: Itty bitty pretty one ex/ex- Us/Kanada-orig. 15e
Healey, Jeff Band; See the light M-/ex Saksa-orig, inn 8e
Hokkanen, Erik & the Offbeats: S/T M-/ex Uk-orig. 10e
Holmes, Groove & Jimmy Witherspoon: Cry the blues ex-/ex Uk-orig. 10e
Hooker, John Lee: Golden hits ex/ex- Ranska-orig. ABC 68.308 20e
Hopkins, Lightnin: Goin away ex-/vg+ -87-Us 20e
Hopkins, Lightnin: Legacy of the blues vol. 12 ex-/ex -74-Uk 15e
Hopkins, Lightnin: The Great electric show and dance ex/ex- Ranska-orig. 2-LP gs 17e
Howard, Paul & Ralph Willis: Faded picture blues ex-/ex 70-luvun Us-painos 10e
Howlin Wolf: Smokestack lightnin volume 1 M-/ex 10e
Hunter, Ivory Joe: The Fabulous vg+/vg+ Us-orig. 30e
Hunter, Alberta: With Lovie Austin´s Blues Serenaders ex-/ex- -84-US-painos 8e
Imaginations: S/T ex-/ex Relic-US-painos 10e
Ink Spots: Sing Stardust vol. 3 ex-/ex- Us-orig. swobc 10e
Ink Spots: The original Ink sports sing and play ex/ex Uk-orig. 10e
Jacks: The rock´n roll hit sof the 50s ex/ex 70-luvun alun Us-painos 11e
Jackson, Lee: Lonely girl ex/ex- Us-orig. rw 15e
James, Elmore - John Brim: Whose Muddy Shoes M-/ex -73-Us -painos swobc 17e
James, Elmore: The legend of ex/ex- 70-luvun alun Us-painos 10e
James, Elmore: The Blues in my heart the rthyhm in my soul ex-/ex- 70-luvun alun Us-painos 10e
James, Etta: Tuff lover ex/ex- 80-luvun Ace-Uk 15e
Jefferson, Blind Lemon: Volume 3 ex/ex Roots-Itävalta 12e
Jimenez, Flaco: Viva Seguin M-/ex Uk-orig. 8e
Jo Buddy: Inside out UUSI 18e
John, Little Johnny: Funky from Chicago M-/vg+ Us-orig. hrw, tiny co 25e
Johns, Evan & the H-Bombs: S/T M-/ex Uk-orig. 8e
Johnson, Buddy: Rock n roll stage show vg+/vg+ Us-orig. kannen selässä näkymätön teippaus 20e
Johnson, Buddy: Go ahead & rock rock rock ex/ex- 80-luvun Official-painos 12e
Johnson, Eric: Tones ex/ex- Saksa-orig. inn 7e
Johnson Mountain Boys: Let the whole world talk M-/ex Uk-orig. 8e
Johnson, Pete: Boogie woogie mood 1940-1944 ex/ex -74-MCA-Ranska 15e
Joyce, Johnny: Joyce´s Choice mixture ex/ex- Uk-orig. 20e

Kershowski & Blankenfelder Boogie Band: S/T ex/ex- Itä-Saksa-orig. (-89!!!) 10e
Keynotes: In the Beginng ex-/ex- 80-luvun Apollo-US 9e
King, Earl & the Roomful of Blues: Glazed M-/ex Uk-orig. 8e
Knight, Brian: Hard travelin M-/ex Uk-orig. 15e
Kooper, Al: Kooper session ex/ex- Uk-orig 17e
LA Blues Authority: S/T ex-/ex- Hollanti-orig. 7e
Laine, Tommi & The Graveyard Shift: Adventures in Minor kova instrumentaali-albumi Tampereen pojilta. Soittamassa Sippola, Rauhala ja Jani Auvinen. Laine tietysti kitararassa UUSI 25e
Leadbelly: 1935-38 Vol. 8 ex/Ex- Document 1990 8e
Lenoir, JB. S/T ex/ex Roots-91 10e
Lee, Julia: Of lions and lambs M-/ex 80-luvun Charly swobc 10e
Leroi Brothers: Forget about the danger think of the fun ex/ex- Uk-orig MLP 8e
Leroi Brothers: Lucky lucky me M-/ex Suomi-orig,. 10e
Leroi Brothers: Check this action M-/ex Suomi-orig. 10e
Leroi Brothers: Protection from enemies M-/ex- Uk-orig, 10e
Lightfoot, Papa George: Natchez trace ex-/vg+ 80-luvun Saksa-painos 15e
Liggins, Joe: Great rhythm & blues ex/ex Uk-orig. Bulldog, -74-levytyksiä 10e
Lipa, Peter, Blues Band Andstra: Skrtni, co se nehodi M-/ex Tsekki-orig. 8e
Little Charlie & the Nightcasts: Disturbing the peace M-/vg+ Uk-orig 6e
Little Charlie & the Nightcats: All the way crazy M-/ex Ruotsi-orig. kannessa Anttilan hintalappu 7e
Little Milton: We´re gonna make it ex/ex 80-luvun Roots-Hollanti 5e
Little Milton: Sings the blues ex/ex -87-Us-re 6e
Little Milton: Greatest hits -72 Us M-/M- 10e
Little Milton: Friend of mine ex/vg+ Us-orig. co 12e
Lockwood, Robert Jr: Blues live in Japan ex/M- Us-orig. shrink 17e
Lonesome Sundown: Been gone too long ex/ex Uk-orig. 8e
Los Lobos: How will the wolf surive? M-/ex Kanada-orig. 8e
Los Lobos: By the light of the moon ex/M- Kanada-orig. inn 9e
Los Lobos: And a time to dance ex-/ex Uk-orig MLP 6e
Los Lobos: La Bamba + 1 -MAXI M-/ex Hollanti-orig. leffa-kansi 6e
Los Lobos: And a time to dance M-/ex Uk-orig. ins 8e
Louis, Big Joe & His Blues Kings: S/T M-/ex Saksa-orig. kannessa Anttilan hintalappu 10e
Lucky Seven: Get lucky ex/ex- Ruotsi-orig. promoliite, wobc 7e
Magic Sam: West side soul ex/ex- 2009-Us-painos 20e
Marcels: Rare items ex/ex 90?-luvun Colpix 12e
Marcels: I could have danced all night ex-/vg+ 80-luvun Crystal Ball -US 10e
Marvin & Johnny: Rock´n roll hits of the 50s ex/Ex- 70-luvun alun US-painos 10e
Matthews, Tony: Condition blues M-/ex- Uk-orig. 7e
Mayall, John: Diary of the bluesband vol. 1 M-/ex- 70-luvun Saksa-painos 10e
McClennan, Tommy´: CottonPatch Blues 1939-42 ex-/ex- -84-UK 15e
McGhee, Brownie & Sonny Terry: Brownie & Sonny vg+/ex- -66-Society-Uk 10e
McGhee, Brownie & Sonny Terry: Hootin n hollerin ex/ex 70-luvun Ranska-painos 13e
McGhee, Brownie: Born for bad luck M-/ex -2000 Past Percent -Saksa, gs 6e
McNeely, Big Joe: S/T ex/ex Us-orig APO 027 High Quality heavy weight Vinyl 20e
Memphis Slim: Archives ex/ex -82-USA 8e
Memphis Slim and His House Rockers featring Matt Guitar Murphy: U.S.A ex-/ex- -78 Pearl-US 15e
Memphis Slim: Worrie lifew ex/ex- 6e
Midnight Creepers: Daytona blues ex/ex- Uk-orig. 7e
Mills Brothers: Early Mills Brothers ex/ex 60-luvun Ace of Herts -Uk, swoc 15e
Mills Brothers: Four boys and a guitar M-/ex 70-luvun puolivälin Us-painos 10e
Mills Brothers: Best of ex/ex 70/80-luvun vaihteen Norja-painos 7e
Mills Brothers: MMMM ex/ex Us-orig. 15e
Mitchell, Freddie: Rock and roll 80-luvun Official 10e
Monaco Blues Band: S/T M-/ex Hollanti-orig. 8e
Montgomery, Little Brother/Summeland Jim/Jump Jackson: Chicago Blues Session ex/ex 80-luvun Redita 133 20e
Montgomery. Little Brother Deep sputh piano M-/ex- Ranska-orig. 10e
Morris, Joe: Lowdown baby ex/ex- Jukebox Lil 12e
Neal. Kenny: Devil child ex/ex Uk-orig. 7e
Neal, Raful: Louisiana legend M-/ex Saksa-orig. 7e
Neville, Aaron: Minit singles 1960-1963 UUSI 17e
New directions:S/T ex-/ex Us-orig. hieno 80-luvun musta lauluyhtye, Big Jay McNeely taustalla ja Big Jayn levymerkillä 12e
Norris, Chuck: Los Angeles Flash M-/vg+ Ruotsi-orig. 13
Osborn, Michael: Cold hearted girl ex/ex- Saksa-orig. 10e
Pearls: Zippity Zippity Zoom ex/ex 80?-luvun Onyx-painos 15e
Pigmeat Blues Band: S/T ex-/ex Us-orig small co 40e
Platters: 19 hits ex/ex -77 Us-Gusto 10e
Price, Lloyd: To the roots and back ex-/ex Us-orig. ei co 13e
Price, Lloyd: The the roots and back ex/ex- Us-orig. 15e
Price, Sam: Singing with Sammy vol. 1 ex/ex 80-luvun Swingtime 13,5e
Price, Sam: Rock vg+/vg+ Us-orig. 50e
Price, Sammy: Sweet substitute ex/ex Kanada-orig. sstol, sstobc 10e
Pryor, Snooky/JB Hutto/Willie Nix: Combination blues ex-/ex- 80-luvun alun Charly 12e
Pryor, Snooky: Do it if you want to ex/vg+ Us-orig. tiny co 13e
Queen Ida: Cookin with Ida M-/ex Uk-orig. kannessa Anttilan hintalappu, poistettavissa? 8e
Queen Ida & the Bon Temps Zydeco Band on tour ex-/ex Ruotsi-orig. 5e
Queen Ida: On A Saturday night M-/ex Ruotsi-orig. kannessa Anttilan hintalappu (poistettavissa?) 7e
Queen Ida: Cookin with M-/ex Uk-orig. 7e
Queen Ida: On a Saturday night M-/ex Ruotsi-orig. 7e
Radcliff, Bobby: Dresses too short ex-/ex Uk-orig. 12e
Rainbows: Mary Lee ex/ex 80-luvun Pilgrim-Us 13e
Rambling Boys: S/T uutta suomalaista bluesia UUSI 13e
Rapone, Al & The Zydeco Espress: Let´s have a zydeco party ex/ex Uk-orig. sstosobc 8e
Ray-O-Vacs: Besame mucho M-/ex- 80-luvun Official-painos 20e
Reading, Bertice: The Fifties M-/ex 80-luvun Official-painos 10e
Rhodes, Todd: Dance music that hits the spot ex-/ex 80-luvun Swintime 10e
Robillard, Duke and the Pleasure Kings: S/T M-/ex- Suomi-orig. 10e
Rockin Dopsie: Hold on ex-/ex Uk-orig. 10e
Ruffner, Mason: Gypsy blood ex-/ex Saksa-orig. inn 5e
Sargeant, Bob: First starring role Mint (muoveissa) Uk-orig. (Import?) co 10e
Siegel-Schwall Band: S/T (-71) ex/ex- Saksa-orig. 10e
Silver King Band: Live M-/ex Skandinavia-orig. 10e
Smith, OC: The Dynamic ex-/ex Uk-orig. 30e
Smith, Tab: I don´t wan to play in the kitrchen M-/vg+ 8e
Smith, Whispering: Over easy ex-/ex Us-orig. co 17e
Spand, Charlie: Soon This morning 1929-31 ex/vg+ 7e
Spann, Otis-T-Bone Walker-Joe Turner-Eddie Vilnson: Blue Rocks M-/Ex- Us-orig. -73 co 10e
Spinnaker: Caledonia river ex/ex Us-orig 15e
Stidham, Arbee: A time for blues ex/ex Us-orig. 20e
Subdudes: Lucky M-/Ex Saksa-orig. inn "Promo"-tarra oc 9e
Sunnyland Slim: Devil is busy ex/ex 80-luvun Official 17e
Swamp Dogg: I´m not selling out/I´m buying in! ex/ex- Uk-orig. 8e
Sykes, Roosevelt: Boogie Honky Tonk ex/ex Oldie Blues -painos 9e
Sykes, Roosevelt: Honeydrippers Duke´s mixture ex/ex- 70/80-luvun vaihteen Ranska-painos 8e
Sykes, Roosevelt: The Honeydrippers Duke´s Mixture M-/ex Uk-orig. swobc 15e
Sykes, Roosevelt: Dirty mother for you M-/ex 80-luvun Tanska-painos, wobc 9e
Tatrai: Loose associations M-/vg+ Suomi-orig. 15e
Taylor, Gene: Roadhouse memories legendaarisen ex-Blasters -pianistin Suomessa levytetty uusi albumi, mukana mm. Jo Buddy (myös CD:llä 17e) UUSI 20e
Taylor, Fingers with An son Funderburgh & Rockets: Harpoon man ex/vg+ Uk-orig. 8e
Tee, Willie: Anticipation ex/ex- Us-orig. inn co 17e
Terry, Sonny & Brownie McGhee: Old Town Blues vol. 1 ex/ex 80-luvun Ace 10e
Tex, Joe: Ain´t I a mess M-/ex- 80-luvun Italia-painos 8e
Tex, Joe: Stone soul country ex-/ex- 80-luvun Charly 8e
Thompson, Sonny: Cat on the Keys 1947-56 M-/ex -89-Tanska -painos 10e
Tomcats: S/T ex/ex- Us-orig. swoc 10e
Toups, Wayne and the Crawley Aces: Cajun paradise ex/ex Uk-orig. 7e
Trice, Willie: Blue & rag´d ex/ex- promo-leima obc & ol 25e
Turbans: The best of ex/ex 80-luvun Collectables-Us 10e
Walker, Joe Louis: Cold is the night M-/vg+ Ruotsi-orig. 8e
Van Ronk, Dave: Van Ronk sings ex/ex 2011-Doxy-painos, inn 15e
Van Ronk, Dave: Your basic M-/ex- Uk-orig. takakannessa Anttilan hintalappu, poistettavissa? 13e
V/A Goodbye 40s Hello 50´s M-/M- shrink Apollo 8018 US 10e
V/A Goodbye 40s Hello 50s M-/M- shrink Apollo 8019 US 10e
V/A Rockin at Midnight at the Parrot club M-/ex- 8e
V/A West Coast Doo Wop vol. 1 M-/ex- Ace-Uk 8e
V/A Golden groups vol. 2 ex-/M- shrink Relic-US 8e
V/A Golden groups vol. 4 ex-/M- shirnk Relic-Us 8e
V/A Golden groups vol. 16 ex/M- shrink Relic-US 10e
V/A Golden groups vol. 19 M-/M- shrink Relic-US 10e
V/A Golden groups vol. 52 M-/M- shrink Relic-US 10e
V/A Golden groups vol. 53 M-/M- shrink Relic-US 10e
V/A We got a party - the Best of Ron records vol. 1 ex/eM- shrink 80-luvun Us-painos 8e
V/A Huggy Boy´s Favourite oldies from Caddy records ex/ex- 80-luvun Ace swobc 13e
V/A Shim Sham Shimmy Sub Rosan julkaisema kokoelma harvinaista bluesia 1920-60-luvuilta UUSI 18,5e
V/A Battin the Boogie M-/ex 80-luvun Charly-UK 12e
V/A Houston Jump 1946-51 ex-/vg+ Krazy Kat 10e
V/A Chicago/The Blues/Today vol. 1 ex/ex Vanguard VSD 79216 -76-Us-painos swobc 20e
V/A Chicago/The Blues/Today vol. 2 ex/ex Vanguard VSC 79217 -76-Us-painos wobc 20e
V/A Raw Blues M-/ex 70-luvun alun Ace of Clubs -UK swobc 15e
V/A 1983 R&B Jamboree M-/ex 80-luvun Ace UK 10e
V/A Piano blues and boogie woogie 1929-35 complete recordings of Charles Avery, Freddie Redd Nicholson, Jabo Williams M-/ex 10e
V/A Female Country Blues singers 1929-31 The Complete recordings of Alura Mack, Lena Matlock, Liillie Mae M./ex
V/A Blues in Russia M-/ex 2-LP NL-orig. gs 2xinn 15e
V/A Sun roots of rock vol. 6 Sunset soul M-/ex 70-luvun Charly-Uk 15e
V/A Blow by blow - An anthology of harmonica blues ex-/ex- 80-luvun Sundown-Hollanti 8e
V/A Ultimnate Blues collection ex/ex 80-luvun U-painos 2-LP gs 10e
V/A Vintage years vol. 4 Transatlantic Best of the Blues M-/ex -78-UK 10e
V/A 20 Great blues of the 50s and 60s ex-/ex 80-luvun Uk-painos sstoc 10e
V/A Livin Finnsh Blues ex/vg+ 15e
V/A Suckin and blowin - Harmoncia blues ex-/vg+ Sundown-Ruotsi 10e
Ward, Billy & the Dominoes: The Best of M-/ex 80-luvun Federal.re 10e
Van Ronk, Dave: Sings ex-/ex 70-luvun Us-painos 15e
Webster, Katie: Two-fisted mama ex/ex- Uk-orig. 7e
Webster, Katie: The Swamp boogie queen M-/M- Uk-import 10e
Vocaleers: Is it a dream M-/vg+ -80-luvun Robin-US 10e
White, Josh: Josh White stories vol. 2 ex/ex 60-luvun Hollanti-painos 10e
White, Josh: Archive of folk music ex/ex 70-luvun Us-painos 10e
White, Josh: In the Beginnin ex-/ex- Hollanti-orig. -63 mono 20e
White, Josh: S/T 70-luvun alun Archive of Folk Music -USA ex/ex 10e
White, John/Leadbelly: With their guoitars ex-/Ex- Uk-orig. -65 15e
White, Snowy: White flames ex-/ex- Saksa-orig. 7e
Williams, Big Joe: Early recordoings 1935-41 ex-/vg+ 70-luvun? Us-painos 13e
Williams, Big Joe: Legacy of the blues vol. 6 M-/ec -88-Uk-re, kannessa Anttilan hintalappu, poistettavissa? 10e
Williams. Clarence: 1927 to 1934 ex/ex BBC Uk -88 sstol, sstobc 10e
Williams, Clarence Orchestra: With King Oliver & Bennie Moten ex/ex 80-luvun Saksa-painos, sstol, sstobc 8e
Williams, Cootie: Typhoon 1945-1950 ex/ex 80-luvun Swingtime 10e
Williams, Otis & the Charms: Sing their all-time hits ex/ex- 80-luvun Sing 10e
Williams, Maurice & the Zodiacs: The best of ex-/ex- 80-luvun Collectables-US 7e
Williams, Maurice & Gladiolas/Zodiacs: Little darlin ex/ex Stay-Ruotsi, brown vinyl 15e
Wilson, Jackie: 14 hits vol. 3 ex(-)/ex- 80-luvun Us-painos 7e
Wilson, Jackie: By special request ex-/vg+ Us-orig. 20e
Vinson, Eddie Cleanhead: Back in Town M-/Ex 80-luvun Charly 10e
Winter, Johnny: Raised on Rock - The Johnny Winter Story M-/ex- Uk-1980 2-LP gs 15e
Womack, Bobby & the Valentinos: S/T M-/ex 80-luvun Italia-painos 10e
Yancey-Lofton Sessions: Vol. 1 ex/Ex- 70-luvun Ruotsi-painos 10e
Yancey-Lofton Sessions: Vol. 2 M-/ex- Tanska-orig. 12e
Young, Mighty Joe: The legacy of the blues vol. 4 ex-/ex- Uk-orig. -72 10e


*Siegal, Ian: Swagger 5e
*Siegal, Ian: Skinny ex- 4e
*Green, Peter Splinter Group: S/T 5e
*Vaughan, Stevie Ray: The sky is crying 6e
*Healey, Jeff: Get me some hypestciker 4e
*Thorogood, George: Bad to the Bone Us-painos ex- 5e
*Thorogood, George: Boogie people 5e
*Mayall, John Bluesbrakers: With Eric Clapton 6e
*Dr. Feelgood: Malpractice Us-painos 15e
*Dr Feelgood: 25 years of 2-Cd 10e
*Vaughan, Stevie Ray & Double Trouble: New Orleans 1987 UUSI 18,5e
*Dr Feelgood: Singles U.A Years + 6e
*Jo Buddy: Meets Funky Kingston digipak 8e
*Lutcher, Nellie:She´s Real Gone - Selected singles 1947-52 30tr. Jasmine UUSi 14e
*Mark T: Blues @ zero 7e
*Winter, Johnny: White, hot & blue Music on CD -painos 10e
*De Plique, Charles & Jarkka Rissanen_ Live in Finland 10e
*Lyytinen, Erja: Stolen heart 10e
*McTell, Blind Wilie: Atlanta Twelve String 5e
*Smith, Harmonica George; Of the Blues slipcase 10e
*Jo Buddy: Meets Funky Kingston digipak 8e
*Mojo Hoop: Hoop´s been talkin digipak 10e
*Patton, Charley: Pony blues - Proper intrroductuin to digipak 5e
*Prysock, Red: Rock ´n roll the Best of 5e
*Price, Sammy: Barrelhouse and blues ex- 6e
*Gaddy, Bobby: Harlem blues operator 21tr. Ace 10e
*Gordon, Jimmie: The Mississippi Mudder vol. 2 5e
*Ridgley, Tommy: Since the blue began 5e
*Gardner, Poison: Noisen with Poison the Complete recodings 1945.50 27tr. Jasmine 8e
*Mabon, Willie: I´m the Fixer - the best of USA records sessions 6e
*Jenskins, Gus: Too tough - West Coast blues & R&B 195362 2-Cd 47tr. Jasmine 10e
*McShann, Jay: Hot biscuits the Essential 1941ö-49 5e
*Rush, Otis: Live at Montreux 1986 6e
*Sunnlyland Slim Blues Band: Chicago jump ex- 6e
*Pittman, Sampson: The Devil is busy ex- 10e
*Dupree, Cornell: Childs play 5e
*V/A Mod - the Early years 112 classic & rare tracks 4-CD digipak 10e
*Harptones: Life is but a dream 1953-61 2-CD 60tr. Jasmine 10e
*McCray, Larry: Delta Hurricane 7e
*Witherspoon, Jimmy:I´ll be right on down - the Modern recordings 1947-53 24tr. Ace 8e
*V/A Wine , women and Whisky Blodwyn Pig, Dr, Feelgood, Peter Green ym. 4e
*Hooker, John Lee: The Galxy LP 8 bonaria 7e
*Allison, Bernard: Kentucky fried Blues DVD 7e
*Landreth, Sonny: From the reach digipak 7e
*Suefer, Little George and the Blue Stars: S/T 12e
*Blazers: Short fuse 6e
*Charles, Billy Ray: Sweet, black and hot 8e
*Ward, ZZ: Til the Casket drops 8e
*Whitmore, William Elliott: Animals in the dark digipak 4e
*Robban: Broken hearted again digipak 7e
*Dixie Hummingbirds: Best of 4e
*Thomas, Jesse: Looking for that woman 6e
*Belfour, Robert: Waht+s wrong with yoy digipak 7e
*Shields, Lonnie: Miodinght delight 6e
*Valentine, Cal: Texas rocker 7e
*Shields, Lonnie: Portrait 7e
*Hall, Bobby & the Kings: S/T 29tr. Famous Groove 7e
*Sykes, Rooselt: Boot that thing 1929-41 52tr. Acrobat 6e
*Son House: Delta Blues digipak 4e

Abernathy, Marion: The Chronological 1947-49 10e
Ace, Buddy meets the Explosive showman Al TNT Briggs 26tr. Jasmine 8e
Ace, Johnny: The Late Great - complete Duke recordings and more uuinuote Jasmine UUSI 15e
Ace, Johnny: Ace´s Wild 2-CD digipak Fantastic Voayge 15e
Adams, Arthur: Back on track ex- 7e
Adams, Johnny: One foot in the blues co 5e
Adams, Johnny: Sings Doc Pomus ex- 4e
Agee, Ray: West Coast Blues & R+B legend vol. 1, 2 & 3 8e/kpl
Allen, Ernestine: Let it roll 7e
Allen, Lee: Walkin with Mr. Lee 5e
Allen, Slam: Soul & Blues compilation CDR ex- omiste 10e
Allison, Luther Guitar Jr: Slammin on the West side 6e
Andres Roots Roundabout: Leigh´spier jam 8e
Andres Root: Roundabout 7e
Ankerman, Lauri: Vantaanjoen suiston juurimusiikkia 8e
Ankerman, Lauri: Pimeään aikaan 8e
Appleton, HJJ & Jason Ricci: Dirty memory kannessa artistin nimmari ex- 10e
Arnold, Kokomo: Old original Kokomo blues 5e
Astman Brothers: Lookin for Joe 7e
Asylum Street Spankers_ Hot lucnh 15e
Bailey, Pearl: Ain´t she sweet 23tr. Jasmine 8e
Baker, Laverne: Soul on fire 5e
Balfa Toujours: Live at Whiskey River Landing promo co 6e
Ball, Marcia - Angela Strehli - Lou Ann Barton: Dreams come true 6e
Ballroom Jump: Everybody got juiced kotimaista jumppia 7tr. 10e
Barrett, Ray & John Garcia: Serious fun 10e
Basile, Al: Quiet Money 7e
Beachem, Rufus: My Baby ands Me - the Complete Rufus Beracham & Ray Charles sessions uunituore Jasmine UUSI 14e
Beau Jocque and the Zydeco Hi-rollers ex-, promo co 5e
Bednoff, Tina: Jump sister jump 7e
Belfour, Robert: What´s wrong wioth you digipak 7e
Belvin, Jesse: Guess who 2-CD 36tr. Ace 14e
Berry, Richard, Louie Louie 1953-62 4-Cd digipak 16e
Beuasoleil: The Best of the Crawfish years promo cut-out 7e
Benton, Brook: Early years 1953-59 2-CD Jasmine 9e
Benton, Buster: I like to hear my guitar sing 10e
Berge, Björn: Bag of nails 5e
Berryman & Bullet: Biscuits 7e
Bey, Frank: You don´t know nothin digipak ex- 7e
Bibb, Eric: Natural light ex- 4e
Bibb, Eric: A ship called love 7e
Bibb, Eric: Diamond days 7e
Bibb, Eric: Me to you digipak ex- 5e
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy: Live 2-Cd digipak 7e
Big Maybelle: Candy - Savoy Blues legends 2-Cd 10e
Big Maybelle: The Gospel soulf of/What more can a woman do= 24tr. Westside 10e
Big Shanty: Sold out 10e
Big Three Trio: Their Greatest recordings 28tr. Jasmine 10e
Binder, Roy Book: Hillbilly blues cats 8e
Björklöf, Micke & Blue Strip: Ain+t bad yet gatefoldissa koko bändin nimmarit 8e
Björklöf, Micke& Blue Strip: S/T UUNI (muvoeissa) 14e
Blackberry & Mr Boohoo: The many sides of 8e
Blackwell, Otis: Masters & demos 10e
Blain, Brian: Who paid to give me the blues 10e
Bland, Bobby/Little Junior Parker: The Earls of Duke 28tr. Rev-Ola 10e
Bland, Bobby: Greatest hits vol. 2 16 tr. MCA-US 7e
Bland, Bobby: Not ashemed to sing the blues - the best of 1985-95 7e
Bland, Bobby Blue: The Anthology 2-CD 10e
Bland, Bobby: Get on down/Refelctions in blue 8e
Blind Boys of Alabama: Holdin on 7e
Blind Boys of Alabama: Atomb Bomb 5e
Bloodshot Eyes: Night walk boogie15e
Bluesberries: Live at Coffee house Gloria 7e
Bluesbreakers: With Eric Clapton 5e
Blues Brothers Band: Red, white & blues 5e
Blues Brothers: Very best of 5e
Blues Eaters: Sound Fifties digipak ex- 7e
Blues Gypsys. Another card in the hat CDR 5e
Blues Busters: Live at Seaside tavern ex- 7e
Blues Traveler: Truth to be told 10e
Bluestroyers: Before the strom digipak takakannessa kirjoitusta (omiste) 10e
Bo, Eddie: Baby I´m wise - the Complete RIC Singles 1959-62 22tr Ace, Mint (muoveissa) 15e
Bo, Eddie: I love to rock´n roll ex- 15e
Boncamper, Earl: Love mail with Jarkka Rissanen digipak UUSI (muoveissa) 15e
Bonner, Juke Boy: Ghetto poet ex- 8e
Bonner, Juke Boy: Nowhere to run 7e
Bott, Jimi: Live Cheap Thrills vol. 1 10e
Boyd, Eddie; Third degree - Charly blues masterworks vol. 42 6e
Boze, Calvin: The Complete recordings 1945.52 10e
Branch, Bobby: Blues keep following me around 5e
Branhall, Doyle: Welcome 5e
Brewer, Clarence: King Clarenz 10e
Bridges, Eugene Hideaway: Live in San Antonio ex- 5e
Brim, John: Chonological 1950-53 15e
Brim, John & Pinetop Perkins: Chicago Blues session vol. 12 7e
Brock, Big George: & the Houserockers: S/T 7e
Brock, Big George & the Houserockers: Round two 8e
Brown, JT: Windy city boogie 6e
Brother Bones & His Shadows: Globetrottin with Bones 6e
Brown, Angela: Thinking it loud 5e
Brown, Charles: Honey dripper ex- 6e
Brown, Charles: The Chronological 1947-48 10e
Brown, Charles: In a grand style of 4e
Brown, Cheese Finger: Low-down people ex- 7e
Brown, Clarence Gatemouth: American music Texas style 5e
Brown, Clarence Gatemouth: Just got lucky 10e
Brown, Clarence Gatemouth: Guitar in my hand 7e
Brown, Clarence Gatemoutjh: Just got lucky - 16 classic cuts from the late 1940s digipak 4e
Brown, Clarance Gatemouth: Gate Swings 6e
Brown, Roy: Blues deluxe 24tr. King 5e
Brown Dots: For sentimantal reasons 24tr. Flyright 7e
Brozman, Bob.John McSherry-Donal O´Connor: Six days down Brozmanin immarilla 10e
Brozman, Boz: Pre-industrial blues 10e
Brozman, Bob: Live in Germany DVD 15e
Brozman, Bob: Hello central, give me Dr, Jazz 10e
Bruso, Nora Jean: Going back to Mississippi digipak ex- digipak 5e
Bryant, Precious: Fool me good digipak 10e
Bryant, Willie: Blues around the clock 10e
Buchanan, Roy: Sweet dreams - the Anthology 2-Cd 7e
Buckwheat Zydeco: On track, deleted 7e
Burke, Solomon: This is it 16tr. Shout 4e
Burnsville Band: Give me a job ex- 7e
Butler, Billy: Time & faith ex- 5e
Butler, Jerry: The Philadelphia sessions 10e
Butler, John Trio: Live at St. Gallen 2-CD 12e
Butterfield, Paul Blues Band: The original lost Elektra sessions 5e
Byrnes, Jim: St. Louis Times 5e
Byrnes, Jim: Everywhere west 5e
Gage, Pete: Tough talk digipak 7e
Cardinals: Under a blanket of blu . The Singles As & Bs 1951-57 25tr. Jasmine 8e
Carr, Benny Guitar and the Hot rats: Red Hot ex- 7e
Carrack, Paul: It ain´t over 10e
Carter, Goree: The Complete recordings vol. 1 1949-1951 8e
Casey, Randy: Record time digiipak 15e
Casey, Jo & the Old Dry Skulls: Voodoo bones & vaudeville blues ex- digipak 8e
Cats & the Fiddle: We cats will swing you vol. 1 2-CD 5e
Cats & the Fiddle: We cats wil swing you vol. 2 2-CD 5e
Cats & the Fiddle: We cats will swing you voil. 3 2-CD 5e
Cephas & Wiggins. Shoulder to shoulder ex- co 8e
Cephas & Wiggins: Cool down 7e
Cephas & Wiggins; Flip flop and fly 5e
Champion, Grady; Back in Mississippi live 10e
Champion, Mickey: Bam-a-lam the R&B recordings 195062 24tr. Ace 8e
Charles, Billy Ray: Sweet, Black and hot ex- 5e
Chavers, Elliott: Vintage 15e
Chenier, Clifton with Clarence Garlow Louisiana Stomp 2-Cd JSP 15e
Chenier, Clifton: Bayou soul Edsel ex- 7e
Chenier, Roscoe: Waiting for my tomorrow 8e
Church Street Five: Daddy G rides again 5e
Clarke, Mick Band: Tell the truth nimmarilla 10e
Clark, Dave Blues Swingers: Switchin in the kitchen ex- 5e
Clayton, Doctor: Complete recorder works 1935-42 11e
Clearwater, Eddy; Flimdoozie 5e
Clearwater, Eddy: Hillbilly blues 29tr. Redita 10e
Cleftones: Heart & soul/Fors sentimental reasons 24tr. Westside 6e
Cobbs, Willie: Jukin 7e
Coleman, Gary BB: One night stand ex- 15e
Coleman, King: It´s dance time 22tr. Norton 8e
Collins, Louis Bo: Mr Bo ex- 6e
Collins, Louis Bo: If trouble was money 8e
Cook, Al: Barrelhouse man ex- 8e
Cooke, Sam & the Soul Stirrers: The Legends of Specilaty series 5e
Cool, Ricky & the In Crowd: Flamingo nights digipak 10e
Cooley, Pat: Cougar 7e
Cooper, Colin Project: From the Vault Repertoire-digipak 8e
Copeland, Johnny: Crazy Cajun recordings ex- 6e
Cotton, Eddie Jr: Back at the Alamo theater 7e
Cotton, James Band; Live & on the Move/High Energy/100% Cotton 3-CD 15e
Cotton, Sylvester/Andrew Dunham: Blues sensation - Detroit Downhome recordings 1948-49 27tr. Ace 7e
Cox, Doug & Salil Bhatt: Slie to freedom 2 digipak ex- 7e
Cousin Joe: The Complete recordings 3-Cd -Box 20e
Cousin Joe: From New Orleans 4-Cd-Box JSP 20e
Cranstron, Lamont Blues Band: Roll with me 10e
Crawford, Dawell: Let them talk 5e
Cray, Robert Band: Don´t be afraid of the dark 5e
Crayton, Pee Wee: Things I used to do Us-painos co 7e
Crayton, Pee Wee: Collection 1947-52 2-CD 55tr Acrot 2-Cd 7e
Cru, Tas: Jus desserts ex- 4e
Crudup, Arthur Big Boy: Mean ol Frisco Charly blues masterworks vol. 50 5e
Curtis, King: Music for dancing the Twist 8e
Curtis, King: Wail man wail - the best of 1952-61 3-Cd Fantastic Voayge 10e
Curtis, King: Soul twist - the Complete Enjoy sessions 6e
Daniels, Chris & the Kings: 10 7e
Day, James & the Fish Fry: Southland hyvätuulista ja hyvin soitettua New Orleans -tyylistä bluesia omin biisein 8e
Davis, James: Geogia drumbeat CDR 8e
Davis, Josh & English Dave: Turnpike cruiser 13e
Davis, Larry: Funny stuff ex- 5e
Davis, Walter: Don´t you want to go? 17tr. Acrobat 4e
Dee, Mercy: Troublesome mind 10e
De Junco, Carlos: Blues Mongrel UUSI (muoveissa) 6e
Deivert, Bert & Copeprhead run: My blood in my eyes for you tasokasta bluesia Norjasta digpka 10
Delay, Paul Band: The other one 20e
Delta Rhythm Boys: I dreamt I dwelt in Harlem . the Road to doo wop 4e
Del Vikings: Cool Shake - Very best of 28tr. Jasmine 8e
De Plicque, Christian-Charles & Jarkka Rissanen: Linin track UUSI, muoveissa 12e
DE Plique: Nothin but the truth bändissä mm. Jarkka Rissanen ja P.Ahlqvist 7e
De Santo, Sugar Pie: Go Go power the complete Chess singles 1961-66 10e
De Soto featuring Tepa Lukkarinen: Rocky Road Mint (muoveissa) 10e
De Vita, Daniel: Southisde blues 8e
Dixie Hummingbirds: Best of 6e
Dixie Hummingbirds: Jesus has traveled this road before ex- 8e
Dixon, Wille: Poet of the blues 21tr. Columbia 5e
Dixon, Willie: Walkin the blues - leader & sonwriter 2-Cd 13e
Dixon, Willie: Hidden charms 7e
Doggett, Bill: Chronological 1954 10e
Doggett, Bill: Leaps and bounds 19tr. King 7e
Dominators: Rough ride 10e
Dr Feelgood: Classics ex- 4e
Dr Feelgood: Singles 8e
Dr. Helander & Third ward: Traffic Jam on the Back Street UUSI 17e
Dr Patala & Organic Healers: Dr of Love 7e
Dr. Ross: One man band 9e
Dr. Ross: Call the Doctor ex- 7e
Doobie Twisters: Rocket pocket 9e
Duncan, Little Arthur: Live in Chicago ex- 6e
Dupree, Cornell: Child´s play 5e
Dupree, Champion Jack: Home Charly Blues masterworkds vol. 40 8e
Edge, Jeremy Project: S/T 10e
Electrophonics: Catch that swingtrain 10e
Elgins: Back to Chicago ex- pahvitaasku 7e
Elgins: Vol. 2 pahvitasku 8e
Ellis, Tinsley: Winning pitkän linjan blueskitaristi/laulajan sielukas uutuus UUSI 17e
Estes. Sleepy John: Someday baby blues - 25 pioneering tracks from the Great country bluesman digipak 5e
Evans, Terry: Walk that walk 10e
Eviltones: Off the track 10e
Fabulous Thunderbirds: Tuff Enuff Music on CD -painos 20e
Fabulous Thunderbirds: Walk that walk talk that talk 8e
Fabulous Thunderbirds: High water 10e
Fabulous Thunderbirds: Walk that walk talk that talk 5e
Fabulous Thunderbirds: Hot Stuff the Greatsst hits 5e
Fabulpous Thunderbirds: Portfolio 5e
Flamingos: Time Was 54tr. Jasmine 2-Cd 10e
Fleetwood Mac: Best of 4e
Fleetwood Mac: Madison blues live 5e
Fleetwood Mac: The Blues Years 3-Cd slipcase 15e
Fletcher, Kirk: I´n here & I´m gone 8e
Flyin Ryan Brothers: Colorama ex- 7e
Forest City Joe: Special delivery man - the harmonica blues of uunituore Jasmine UUSI 15e
Forestfield, Dave: Hollow soul Mint (muoveissa) 8e
Foster, Ruthie: Let it burn digipak ex- 7e
Four Tunes: Wrapped up in a dream 1946-58 Jasmine 2-Cd 10e
Fran, Carol & Clarence Holliman: See there 5e
Fran, Carol & Clarence Holliman: Soul sensation 5e
Freeman, George: George burns 10e
Freeman, Ernie Combo: S/T 25tr Ace 10e
Fuller, Blind Boy: 1935-38 4-CD-Box JSP 20e
Fuller, Blind Boy: Volume 2 4-Cd-Box JSP 20e
Gaddy, Bob - Larry Dale - Brownie McGhee: Bluemen in session 29tr. Jasmine 8e
Gaines, Earl: Lovin blues - The Starday king Years 1967-73 8e
Gaines, Earl: Everythings´gonna be alright promo-co 5e
Gaines, Roy: New frontier lover 10e
Gaines, Roy: In the House digipak ex- 5e
Gallagher, Rory: Calling Card 4e
Gant, Cecil: Bullet boogie digipak co 5e
Gant, Cecil: Bullet boogie digipak 5e
Garlow, Clarence: S/T 24tr. kokoelma 10e
Garrett, Amos-Doug Sahm-Gene Taylor: The return of the formerly brothers 17e
Gayten, Paul: Ain´t nothion happenin - Cool Jump Blues 1947-1957 8e
Gayten, Paul: Ain´t Nothin Happenin Cool Jump Blues 1947-57 30tr. EL Toro 10e
Gayten, Paul: True (You don´t love me) Early recordings 1947-49 Jasmine UUSI 14e
Gelato, Ray; Gelato espresso 4e
George, Barbara: The A.F.O & Sue years Jasmine UUSI 14e
Gibson, Steve and the Red Caps: Boogie woogie ball 1943-55 2-Cd Jasmine 10e
Gillum, Bill Jazz: The Bluebird recordings promo-cut out ex- 4e
GodbooGuyger, Steve: Past time blues ex- bookletissa nimmari 7e
Golden Gate Quartet: Collection 48tr. Zyx 2-CD 5e
Goluban, Tomislav: Blow Junkie 7e
Gonzales, Tino: Latin Gypsy digipak nimmarilla 10e
Goodbye June: Commity Inn digipak 7e
Googie Rene: Very best of 2-Cd slipcase 5e
Gordon, Rosco: Rosco´s Rhythm 27tr. Charly 10e
Gordon, Rosco: Let´s get high 1951-1965 JSP 2-Cd slipcase 15e
Gordon, Rosco: Memphis Tennessee ex- 7e
Gordon, Sax: You knock me out ex- 5e
Gospel Hummingbirds: Steppin out ei cut out 7e
Grana Louise: Gettin kinda rough UUSI 17e
Grand, Otis: Nothing else matters ex- 4e
Grant, Kelli: The Queen of swing neo-swingiä/vähän jumpiakin, pahvitasku, CDR, ex- 5e
Green, Big John: I´m the fat man 30tr. Rev-Ola 10e
Green, Rudy Ray: Wild life 27tr- El Toro 7e
Greenwood, Lil: Walking and singing the blues 10e
Greenwood, Lil: Walking and singing the blues 22tr. Ace 10e
Grimes, Tiny and his Rocking Highlandrs S/T Krazy Kat UK -89 ex- 10e
Gritbag. Gutbucket music vol. 2 digipak hyvää bluesia Hollannista UUSI 15e
Guimaraes, Flavio: And Friends ex- CDR digipak 10e
Guitar Slim: Atco sessions 8e
Guy, Buddy The Complete Chess studio recordings 2-Cd ex- promo-co 7e
Guy, Buddy/Junior Wells: Everything´s gonna be alright digipak 10e
Guy, Buddy: Buddy´s Baddest 5e
Guy, Buddy/Otis Rush/Little Walter/Jr. Wells: Chicago blues festival digipak ex- 5e
Guy, Buddy & Junior Wells: Drinkin TNT n smokin dynamite ex- 7e
Haddix, Travis Moonchild: Old man in love 8e
Hall, Bobby & the Kings: S/T 29tr. Famous Groove ex- 8e
Hammond, John: Live 8e
Hamsters: S/T 8e
Hannon, Dave & the Solid Sinners: Solid sinnin 5tr EP 5e
Hardesty, Herb: The Domino effect UUSI 18e
Hardesty, Herb: The Domino effect Wing and Federal recordings 1958-61 10e
Harmon, Zac: From the root digipak ex- 8e
Harmonicats: Cat´s blues 6e
Harper and the Midwest Kind: Show your love digipak ex- 5e
Harris, Corey: Downhome sophisticated slipcase 10e
Harris, Wynonie: Jump Mr Blues The Definitive collection 2.Cd Fantastic voyage digipak 20e
Harris, Wynonie: Rockin the blues 4-CD-Box Proper 15e
Haynes, Warren: Live at Bonnaroo 5e
Headen, Willie: Blame on the blues 28tr Ace 8e
Healey, Jeff Band: Feel this 4e
Healey, Jeff: Get me some 4e
Healey, Jef Band: See the light 5e
Heartbeats: Daddy´s Home 47tr. Jasmine 2-Cd 10e
Heinonen, Jaakko Band: Can´t complain 10e
Helander & Co: Fodder 5e
Henderson, Duke: Get your kicks 8e
Hermann, John: Smiling assasin digipak 7e
Hermann, Jo Jo: Defector digipak 5e
Hibbler, Al: Unhained Melody 55tr. Jasmine 2-CD 10e
Higgins, Chuck: Pachuko hop 20tr. Ace 7e
Houston, Joe: Cornbread and gabbage greens 26tr. Specialty 7e
Hightower, Willie: Out of the the blue ex- 6e
Hill, Nikki. Feline roots UUSI 18e
Hill, Rocky feat. Johnny Winter & Dr John: Texas Shuffle 8e
Hirte, Jan Blue Ribbon: Singing the blues 10e
Hoffsten, Louise: Message of love 5e
Holcombe, Malcolm: The RCA sessions CD+DVD 10e
Holland, Jools: Big Band Rhythm & blues 10e
Holland, Jools: The infomer 2-CD 6e
Homemade Jamz Blues Band: Mississippi Hill country digipak ex- 10e
Homemade Jamz Blues Band: Pay no mind digipak ex- 4e
Homesick James: Chicago slide guitar legend 8e
Homesick James: The Last of the Broomdusters 10e
Homesick James: Juanita promo.cut out 7e
Honky Tonk Men: Woodbeat UUSI 15e
Hood, Patterson: Killers and stars 10e
Hooker, Earl: The Elctryfying blues guitar of Jasmine UUSI 14e
Hooker, Earl: And His Blues Guitar 32tr. Blue City CD-r 15e
Hooker, Earl: Smooth slidin ex- 8e
Hooker, John Lee: The EP Collection ex- 7e
Hooker, John Lee: Eight classic albums 4-Cd 12e
Hooker, John Lee: That´s my story DVD 8e
Hooker, John Lee: This is hip - Charly blues masterworks vol. 7 5e
Hooker, John Lee: Whiskey & wimmen - Charly R&B masters vol. 10 5e
Hooker, John Lee: Black night is falling digipak 6e
Hooker, John Lee: Blues is the healer 10-CD-Box 15e
Hopking, Lightnin: Eight classic abums 4-Cd 10e
Hopkins, Lightnin: Shootin FIre April 11, 1969 ennenjulkaisematonta studio-matskua 10e
Horton, Big Walter & Alfred Harr´is: Harmonica blues kings 8e
Horton, Craig: In my spiririt 8e
Horton, Walter & Carey Bell: The Harp legends series vol. 1 4e
Howard, Maxine Rhytmh n blues explosion: Falling out over the blues 7e
Howlin Wilf & the Vee-Jays: Ya Ya DVD 10e
Howlin Wolf: S/T/Moanin into moonlight 7e
Hunter, Alberta: Collection 1921-40 4-Cd 12e
Hunter, Alberta: With Love Austin´s Blues serenaders 6e
Hurt, Mississippi John: Kings of the Blues Castle Pulse -Live 4e
Imperial Crowns: S/T 6e
Ingelius, Flamelight: Wings digipak 10e
Ink Spots: The Golden age of Jasmine 4-Cd-Box 10e
Jackson, Bullmoose: We ain´t nothin but the blues 2-CD 5e
Jackson, Bull Moose: We ain´t got nothin but the blues 1945-53 49tr. Acrobat 2-Cd 10e
Jackson, Little Willie: Jazz me blues 24tr. Ace 10e
Jackson, Ralph Soul: Alabama Love man cardboard sleeve 10e
Jackson, Willis: The Chronological 1950-54 10e
Jakola, Markus: Moonlight blues 10e
James, Elmore: The Sky is crying 16tr. Charly 10e
James, Elmore: Come with me 24tr Charly 7e
James, Elmore: Dust my broom 20tr. Charly 5e
James, Etta: I just want to make love tuo you - 28 greatest hits and favorites UUSI 5e
James, Etta: Heart of a woman 5e
James, Etta: Tough woman the early recordings 1966-60 2-Cd Jasmine 10e
James, Skip: Blues from Delta 10e
James, Skip: Cypress Grove Blues - 18 orogonals by the Delta Blues Giant digipak 4e
Jano, Big Al: Some of my best friends have the blues ex- 6e
Jay Kay & the Blues Gang: From the Shadows Mint (muoveissa) digipak 10e
Jay, Doug: Until we meet again nimmari kannessa 10e
Jennings, Bill : Stompin with Bill 7e
Jo Buddy: Inside out digipak Mint (muoveissa) 10e
Jo Buddy: Everythings gonna be alright digipak Mint (muoveissa) 10e
Jo Buddy & Dowm Home King III: Grits & rattles bookletissa Jussin nimmari/omiste 8e
Jo Buddy & Down Home King III: Whole lotta things to do 8e
Johnson, Big Jack: The Memphis barbecue sessions 8e
Johnson, Buddy: Walk em Decca sessions 24tr Ace 10e
Johnson, Ella: Say Ella 8e
Johnson, Lonnie: Why should I cry pahvikansi gs co 5e
Johnson, Richard: Foot hill stomp ex- 7e
Johnson, Robert: King of the Delta blues singers 17tr. remastered 5e
Johnson, Robert: Complete recordings 2-CD 7e
Johnson, Robert: King of the Delta Blues Singers 4e
Johnson, Steve: Blues from the Roadhouse digipak ex- 10e
Johnny and the Mo-tones: Get gone 8e
Jones, Curtis: Cool paying blues 16tr. 5e
Jones, Joe: You talk too much / other conversation pieces 23 tr. Jasmine 8e
Jones, Johnny: 1956-1966 The Sesions years 8e
Jones, Mudfoot: S/T digipak ex- 5e
Jones, Paul: Starting all over again nimmarilla 13e
Johnston, Richard: Foot Hill Stomp ex- 7e
Jordan, Louis & His Tympany Five: 1938-1950 5-CD-Box JSP 15e
Jordan, Louis: No Moe! The greatest hits 7e
Jordan, Louis: Jack you´re dead pahvitasku gs 6e
Kalan, Alaska: Zen and the art of the blues 10e
Kara, Jasmine: Blues ain´t nothing but a good woman gone bad 7e
Keb Mo: The Door 5e
Keiski, Dimitri Band: S/T digipak 10e
Kight, EG: It´s hot in here ex- 7e
King Bream: Everyday 10e
King, Albert: More Big Blues 22tr. ace 10e
King, Albert with Stevie Ray Vaughan: In session 5e
King, Albert & Otis Rush: Door to door 4e
King, BB: How blue can you get vol. 2 4e
King, BB: Blues summit 5e
King BB: 100 hits 5-CD slipcase 8e
King, BB & Eric Clapton: Back home 5e
King, BB: Essential original album 3-CD digipak 7e
King, Earl: New Orleans street talkin ex- 5e
King, Freddie: Larger than life BGO 8e
King, Freddy: Let´s hide away and dance away 7e
King, Freddy: Let´s hide away and dance away 7e
King, Freddy: King to the highway 4e
King, Freddy: Blues guitar hero vol. 2 8e
King, Freddy: Sings/Let´s hide away and dance away 8e
King, Freddy: Blues guitar hero the influential early sessions 8e
King, Jimmy: Live at Monterey 10e
King, Saunders: Cool blues, jumps and shuffles 25tr. Ace 10e
King Bizkit Selling my sould CDR 7e
King Salami: Fourteen balazin bangers digipak 10e
Kirkpatrcik, Bob: Going back to Texas 15e
Klarskov, Dan: Blues at Dexter CD+DVD digipak 10e
Knight, Marie: Story - All her hits 1946.-62 Jasmine UUSI 14e
Kniki & Mike Beale: Dead on ex- 7e
Koening, Bryan & the Standback bluesband: Wake up! ex- 7e
Kramer, Brian: Myself and mine digipak Mint (muoveissa) 13e
, K.T & Midnight Cannonball: Knock me a kiss ex- 7e
Kulluvaara, Jonne & Juha Kartano: Blues n spirit 8e
Kynyrd, Charles: The Soul Brotherhood 10e
Lady Bianca: Rollin ei co 7e
Lahtinen, J Blues Band: You don´t fool me 15e
Lahtinen, J Blues Band: Juhannuslunta - Midsummer snow digipak 15e
Lahtinen, J Blues Band: Blues from the Living room Mint (muoveissa) 17e
Lahtinen, J Bkues Band: Autumn rumble 15e
Lahtinen, J Bluesd Band: From the Roots to th Fruits 15e
Lahtinen, Jarmo: Sereneda in blues CDR 15e
Lamb, Paul: I´m on a roll UUSI, cut out 6e
Lance, Cyril: Stranger in my house 5e
Lance & Donna: Travelin blues 10e
Landreth, Sonny: South of 1-10 5e
Landreth, Sonny: Levee town digipak 5e
Landreth, Sonny: Grant street 7e
Lang, Jonny: Wander this world 6e
Lang, Jonny: Turn around 4e
Lang, Jonny: Lie to me 4e
Lang, Jonny: Turn around ex- 4e
Langford, Tim Too Slim: Halo digipak 8e
Leadbelly: The Blues slipcase 4e
Leadbelly: Good moning blues 24tr. Wolf Mint (muoveissa) 8e
Ledfoot: Gothic blues vol. 1 8e
Lee, Frankie: Going bck home 4e
Leiber & Stoller Big Band: Scooby Doo: Good rock´n roll for dancing/Yakety Yak 23tr. Jasmine UUSI 14e
Levy, Ron Wild Kingdom: Safari to New Olreans 8e
Liban, Jim Blues Combo: Blues for shut-ins 20e
Lightfoot, Papa & Sammy Myers: Blues harmonica wizards 10e
Lighthouse, Robert: Democracy boulevard 6700 ex- 7e
Lightnin Slim: Rock me mama Mint (muoveissa) 5e
Ligthnin Slim: Blue Lightnin 7e
Little, Bobby: Featuring the Counts of rhythm ex- 5e
Little Buster: Looking for a home 10e
Little Buster & the Soul Brothers: Righ on time 8e
Little Chevy: Sllset Home i digipak 10e
Little Joe Blue: Very best of expanded edition 10e
Little Mac: Chicago blues harmonica wizard 7e
Little Richard. He´s got it pahvitasku gs 6e
Little Sonny: New Orleans Rhythm & blues 7e
Little Sonny: Sonny Side Up 10e
Little Walter: His best ex- 4e
Little Walter: Blues with a feeling 24tr. Roots 4e
Little Willie & the Night train: Break it up baby 7tr. digipak, omiste 8e
Little Willie John: Nineteen sixty six 8e
Little Willie John: Talk to me UUSI 13,5e
Little Walter: Blues with feeling pahvikansi gs co 5e
Littlefield, Little Willie: Yellow boogie & blues 8e
Littlefield, Little Willie: Boogie, blues & bounce - the Modern recordings vol. 2 24tr. Ace 10e
Liquid Groove Mojo: Live & Unplugged ex- 5e
Long, Joey: Anthology 10e
Louise, Miranda: A sure cure for the blues CDR 7e
Louisiana Red: The Lowdown back porch blues 8e
Lovenotes: You are invited to 19tr. Eagle ex- 10e
Lowrider: Precious time ex- 7e
Lucas, Buddy: Hoppin bop 33tr. Redita 10e
Lucas, Buddy: Rockin boppin hoppin 1951-52 30tr. Jasmine 8e
Lyytinen, Erja: Waiting for the daylight UUSI (muoveissa) 17e
Mack, Lonnie: Roadhouses & dance halls 8e
Mack, Lonnie: Second sight ex- 5e
Mack, Lonnie: Roadhouses & dance halls 7e
MacLeod, Doug: Brand Eyes digipak kannessa hieno nimmari 10e
Maestro, Johnny: Maestro music please 27tr. 10e
Magic Sam: Give me time 8e
Magic Sam & Shakey Jake: Live at Sylvio´s 10e
Magrim Ronnie and his New Orleans Jazz band: Shim sham revue 10e
Magnolia Sisters: Chers amis cajunia 10e
Maisteri T: Voodoo-mies digipak ex- 10e
Malone, Marcus: Hurricane ex- 7e
Malone, Marcus: Blue radio ex- 5e
Mannish Boys: Big plains 10e
Magolin, Bob: Star of stage and screens 6tr. 7e
Marble Tones: Black coffee 5e
Mark, Paul & the Van Dorens: Go big or go home ex- 8e
Mastro, Johnny and the mama´s Boys: The Black album UUSI 17e
Matthews, Krissy: Live at Freak valley 8e
Maxwell, David/Otis Spann: Conversations in blue cardboad sleeve, kannessa (vg+)Maxwellin omistuskirjoitus 10e
Mayall, John & Friends: Along for the re 4e
´ Mayall, John; A sense of place 5e
Mayes, Pete: For Pete´s sake 7e
Mayfield, Percy: My blues pahvitasku gs 6e
McCain, Jerry/Tiny Kennedy/Clayton Love: Strange kind of feelin 8e
McClain, Mighty Sam & Knut Reierrud: One drop is plenty digipak 10e
McClain, Sam: Blues for the soul 8e
McCracklin, Jimmy & the Blues Blasters: Blues blastin the Monder recordings vol. 2 24tr. Ace ex- 7e
McCracklin, Jimmy: The Modern recordings 1948-50 25tr. Ace 10e
McCracklin, Jimmy: Blues blastin the Modern recordings vol. 2 10e
McDaniel, Loyd: West side baby 7e
McDaniel, Floyd: West side baby ex- 7e
McDowell, Fred: The First recordings 5e
McGhee, Sticks: Chronological 1951-59 12e
McGhee, Brownie: A black woman´s man - The Essential 24tr. 4e
McGill, Rollee: Rhythm rockin blues 30tr. Bear Family 10e
McLollie, Oscar: Hey Lollie Lollie 18tr. Ace 10e
McShann, Jay: Piano playhouse 22tr. Night train 10e
McTell, Blind Willie:Statesboro blues 5e
McTell, Blind Willie: King of the Georgia Blues 6-Cd-Box 10e
McVea, Jack: Rarely was honkin so much fun 4-CD-Box JSP 20e
McVea, Jack: McVoutie´s Central Avenue blues 5e
McVea, Jack: Fortsissimo! The Combo recordings 1954-57 10e
McVea, Jack: Rarely was honkin sax so much fun 4-CD -BOX JSP 15e
McVey, John: A circle of friends 5e
Memphis Slim: Tribute to Big Bill Broonzy 10e
Memphis Slim: Live at Ronnie Scott´s 5e
Memphis Slim: Grinder man blus digipak 7e
Memphis Slim: Folkways years 1959-73 digipak 10e
Memphis Slim: Six classic albums 4-Cd Box 8e
Mayer, Nathaniel: I just wanna be held digipak 10e
McClain, Mighty Sam: Sweet dreams ex- 6e
McCoy, Rose Marie: Very truly yours 55tr Jasmine 2-CD 10e
Mick/Mintz Project: Prescription for the blues CD-R 10e
Mighty Blue Kings: Live from Chicago 10e
Miller, Larry: Unfinisher business 9e
Millinder, Lucky: Ram Bunk Shush 20tr. Charly ex- 6e
Milton, Richie: Coming back for more ex- 6e
Miracles: You can depend on me 1959-62 2-CD Jasmine 10e
Mitchell, Freddie: Chronological 1949-50 8e
Mitchart, Stacey: Midnight breeze 10e
Montgomery, Monte: Live at the Caravan of dreams 8e
Mooney, John: All I want 10e
Mooney, John: Dealing with the devil 7e
Moore, Jerry: Life is a constant journey home 8e
Moore, Johnny Three Blazers: The Singles collection 1945-55 3-Cd 10e
Moore, Johnny Blazers: Los Angeles blues Complete RCA recordings 1949-50 2-CD 15e
Moore, Rick & Jimmy Nalls: Slow burnin fire 10e
Moore, Gary: Back to the blues 5e
Moore, Gary: Out in the fields - Very best of 5e
Morisette, Johnny: Meet Johnny Morisette at the Twistin place 7e
Morvan, Laurie Band: Fire it up tiukka naispuolinen kitaristi-laulaja Jenkeistä 10e
Morvan, Laurie Band: Find my way back home 10e
Morvan, Laurie Band: Cures what ails you 10e
Mr. Groove Band: Rocket 88 - Tribute to Ike Tuner ex-, promo-co 7e
Mudmakers: Mudcake hyvää kotimaista Dr.Feelgood/Status Quo -vaikutteista ränttätänttää, kaikki omia biisejä UUSI 15e
Neal, Kenny: Walking on fire 8e
Nelson, Jimmy T-99: Cry hard luck ex- 7e
Newby, Doug, Frankie Lee & the Bluzblasters: Sooner or later 7e
Nighthawk, Robet & the Wampus Cat: Toastin the blues 8e
Nighthawks: Trouble 5e
Nighthawks: Jacks & Kings volume 1 & 2 Us-painos CDR 12e
Nixon, James: Live in Europe digipak kotelo ex- 5e
Nolen, Jimmy: Before the funk ex- 7e
Nordgren, Daniel: Outskirt digipak 10e
North Mississippi Allstars: 51 Phantom 5e
Nulisch, Darrell: Business as usual 5e
Oden, St. Louis Jimmy: 1932-48 7e
Odetta: To Ella 10e
Odetta: Christmas spirituals Ace/Vanguard 10e
Oiling Boiling Rhytmn blues Band: Blues train 5e
One O´Clock Humph: Mambo Jumbo Raulamon iso bändi, long deleted 15e
Ontronen, Olli: Mighty shitty digipak 10e
´ Orioles: Singles collection 1948-56 4-Cd-Box 15e
Orpana, Masa: Honky tonk man 10e
Packham, Kit with One Jump Ahea: Jumpin on the bandwagon 10e
Page, Bob: Cash or a problem 10e
Page, Hot Lips: Jump for joy 6e
Page, Hot LIps: Collection 1929-53 2-Cd 5e
Panama Francis All-Stars: 1949 5e
Parker, Junior: The collection 17tr. 4e
Parker, Little Junior: The Chronological 1952-1955 8e
Parker, Kenny: Raise the dead ex- 7e
Parnell, Rob Roy: Let´s tart something digipak 10e
Paul & the Blue Delivery: Everybody´s in a hurry ex- 7e
Perry, King: Chronological 1945-1949 7e
Perry, King: Chrologilcal 1950-54 7e
Pesonen, Paavo: Past comes back to haunt you erinomaista kotimaista blues-kitarointia UUSI 12e
Petersen, Tim Lothar: Cut to the bone 10e
Pg Petricca: Bad Days ex- 7e
Phelps, Kelly Joe: Western Bell digipak 10e
Piskorczyk, Magda: Magda Live digipak 10e
Plaehn, Dave: Crazy man ex- digipak 6e
Pomus, Doc: Blues in the red 24tr. Rev-Ola ex- 7e
Popa Chubby: The Fight is on 5e
Powell, Chris: Chronological 1949-52 7e
Price, Billy & Fred Chapelier: Live on stage CD + DVD 8e
Price, Lloyd: Lawdy Miss Clawdy pahvitasku gs co 5e
Price, Toni: Talk Memphis 10e
Pryor, Rip Lee: Nobody but me 6e
Pryor, Snooky: In this mess up to my chest ex- 7e
Prysock, Arthur: They all say I´m the biggest fool - The Complete recordings with Buddy Johnson 1946-52 25tr Jasmine 8e
Pulsators: Live digipak ex- 7e
Qualls, Henry: Blues from Elmo, Texas 10e
Raine, Heikki: Mystery train 8e
Rainey, Ma: Mother of the blues 5-Cd-Box JSP 25e
Rajala, Sameli. Cuttin down 6tr. CDR 4e
Ramsey, Bo: Fragile promo-cut out 7e
Ramsey, Bo: Stranger blues promo-cut out 7e
Ramsey, Bo: Stranger blues 6e
Rat Bone: Black River Bluesman & the Croaking King digipak 8e
Ravens: Dreams, plead & blues 21tr. Columbia tiny co 6e
Rawls, Johnny: Red Cadillac digipak ex- 7e
Rawls, Johnny: Put your trust in me ex- 10e
Ray, Kenny Blue: Strat daddy 15e
Red Archibald & the Internationals: West coast soul stew 10e
Red Beans & Rice: Can+t get enough ex- 8e
Red Stripe Band: Live in Soho ex- 6e
Redliners: Retropolitan ex- 7e
Red Wagons Blues Ban: Ullalla boogie 8e
Reed, Dalton: Louisiana soul man 5e
Reed, Dalton: Willing & able co 7e
Reed, Jimmy: Boss man 2-CD Recall 6e
Reed, Jimmy: Ain´t that loving you baby pahvikansi gs co 5e
Reed, Jimmy: Boss man 2-CD 36tr. 7e
Rena, Jean Paul: Introducing 10e
Reed, Little Jimmy: Schools out CDR 15e
Reed, Lula: Blue and moody 5e
Reser, Harry: Banjo Crackerjax 1922-1930 10e
Reunion Blues Band: BAck to Clarksdale - A Tribute to Muddy Waters 2-Cd 10e
Revorgandrum: S/T 5e
Rhythm Willie: The Greatest harp player you never heard CDR 10e
Richey, Kelly: Shakedown soul 10e
Ridgley, Tommy & Bobby Mitchell: In the same old way - the Complete Ric, Ron and Sho-Biz recordings 10e
Ridgley, Tommy: King of the stroll 12tr. Acrobat 5e
Riihimäki, Kari: Seasons 8e
Riippa, Niko Flying Circus: Agona digipak 10e
Riley, Steve & the Mamou Playboys Trace of time 6e
Rissanen, Jarkka Tonal Box: Trimmed and burning digipak 10e
Rissanen, Jarkka & Sons of the Desert: Cargo 9tr. 10e
Rissanen, Jarkka: Tone hut digipak 7e
Rissanen, Jarkka & Sons of the desert digipak 10e
Rivet, Leadfoot: One night on the road live digip0ak ex- 4e
Rivet, Leadfoot: One night on the road Live ex- 5e
Robertson, Sherman: I´m the man 7e
Robban: Another side of 10e
Robinson, Tad: A new point of view digipak 8e
Robinson, Jimmie lee: All my life 5e
Robinson, Tad: Last go round ex- 6e
Rocket 88 & the Rockettes: One-footed cockroach ruotsalaista perusbluesia, digipak 10e
Rockin Dopsie: Saturday night Zydeco 7e
Rodgers, Paul: Muddy Water Blues Music on Cd -painos 10e
Rogers, Jimmy: The Complete Chess recordings vol. 1 & vol. 2 5e/kpl
Rolls, Maria: The blues is a lady CDR ex- 15e
Rootbeats with Bill Öhrström: Life of fools 10e
Root Remedy: State of mind CDR 6tr. pahvitasku 5e
Rox II: Max on the Rox 8e
Rush, Otis & friends: Live at Montreux 1986 DVD 7e
Rush, Otis: Tops ex- 7e
Rush, Otis: West Chicago Blues digipak 6e
Rush, Otis: Right place wrong time Hightone-Us 10e
Rushing, Jimmy: Gee Baby Ain´t I good to you 5e
Rushing, Jimmy: Do you wanna jump Children - 1937-46 Jasmine UUSI 14e
Sacret Spirit 2: Culture Clash 5e
Sallinen, Masa Quartet: Yeah yeah yeah 8e
Samson, Riverdog: Station digipka 8e
Sansone, Johnny: Lady on the levee digipak 8e
Sansone, Johnny: Poor man´s paradise 10e
Sardinas, Eric: Black pearls digipak 6e
Sardinas, Eric: Devil´s train 10e
Sardinas, Eric: Black pearls deigipak 7e
Sardinas, Eric: Treat me right 5e
Saturday Night Fish Fry: Dirt road blues 10e
Sayles, Johnny: Story ex- 12e
Scott, Beverly Jo: Divinen rebel digipak 7e
Sears, Big Al: Sear-ously 25tr. Bear Family 10e
Seasick Steve: man from another time 10e
Seasick Steve: I started out with nothin and still got most of it left 10e
Seasick Steve: Walkin man the Best of 4e
Seals, Son: Nothing but the truth 8e
Sedee, Patrick: Facing changes UUSI (muoveissa) 10e
Sellers, Brother John: Sings blues and folk songs Vanguard.US promo.co 10e
Seward, Alex "Guitar Slim" And Louis "Jelly Belly" Hayes* With Blind Willie McTell * Champion Jack Dupree * Brownie McGhee: The Back Porch Boys rpomoc-co 7e
Shaka, Tom: Deep cuts 10e
Sheba "The Mississippi Queen": Butter on my rolls ex- 8e
Shelton, Roscoe: Let it shine 5e
Shields, Lonnie: Midnight delight 10e
Shines, Johnny: With Big Walter Horton 7e
Simien, Terrance & the Zydeco Experience: Live Worldwide 6e
Simmons, Little Mack: The best of the Electro-fi Years 10e
Sims, Frankie Lee & Mercy Dee Walton: Masterly Texas Blues JSP-2-Cd slipcase 15e
Sinclair, John: Fattening frhgs for snakes vol. 1 promo-cut out 5e
Singleton, Charlie: Chronological 1949-53 17e
Skuller, Eddie: The Morphine Berry Story ex- pahvikotelo 5e
Sky High: Safe Sex 8e
Sky Wings: Knee-deep in bizness 10e
Slim & Slam: Groove juice special 15e
Smith, Bessie: Rough guice to blues legends 2-CD digipak 8e
Smith, Bessie: Emporess of the blues vol. 2 1926-33 4-CD-Box JSP 13e
Smith, Floyd: Relaxin with 10e
Smith, George Harmonica: Blues with a feeling slipcase 10e
Smith. George Harmonica: Of the blues UUSI 15e
Smith, Harmonica George/James Cotton/Shakey Jake: Chicago Blues masters vol. 3 2-CD digipak 15e
Smith, George: No time for jive cut out 7e
Smith, Little George: The Modern masters 19tr. Ace 8e
Sofai and the Sweet Talkers; Let the good times roll ex- 5e
Son Of Dave: 02 digipak 10e
Son of Dave: 03 digipak 10e
Spann, Otis: Cryin time 7e
Spann, Otis: The Biggest thing sincve Colossus 6e
Spikedrivers (UK): Delta Roots 6e
Sprull, Wild Jimmy: Scatch n twist 1956-62 -levytyksiä, long deleted Night Train 35e
Stars of Bethlehem: Above my head w. Little Johnny Taylor Gospel Treasure records -Ruotsi ex- 10e
Stavin Chain: S/T ex- 5e
Stidham, Arbee: Tired of Wandering 15e
Stubbs, Matthew: Medord & main 6e
Sueref, Little George and the Blue Stars: S/T ex- 12e
Sugar Blue: Colors ex- 7e
Sugar Ray: Sweet and swingin ex- 10e
Suhler, Jim: Panther burn promo-co, promo sticker oc, digipak, ex- 6e
Sundy, Amar: Najma digipak 7e
Sunnyland Slim: Travelin digipak 5e
Sunnyland Slim/Hoenyboy Edwards/Kansas City Red/Walter Horton/Floyd Jones: Old Friends 14e
Sunnyland Slim: 1947-1961 4-Cd digipak 12e
Swamp Dogg: I called for a rope and they threw me a rock 15e
Sweet Claudette. That man´s got to go CDR 8e
Sweet Suzi: Unbroken ex- 7e
Svensson & Dafgård: Rootation 5e
Svensson & Dafgård: Rootation erinomaista uutta bluesia Ruotsista UUSI 17e
´ Sykes, Rooselt/Victory Spivey: Grind it - the Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival vol. 3 5e
Taino, Joe: Hoodoo man 5e
Tallqvist, Helge: Something blue digipak UUSI (muoveissa) 10e
Tampa Red & Georgia Tom: Music making in Chicago 1928-35 4-Cd-Box JSP 20e
Taylor, Sean: Chase the night ex- 7e
Taylor. Koko: What it takes 24tr. Hip-o-select digipak 8e
Taylor, Eddie: Bad Boy - Charly Blues masterworks vol. 35 7e
Taylor, Gene: S/T (Pacific Blue recordings) 10e
Taylor, Otis: My world is gone 8e
Taylor, Otis: Truth is not fiction ex- 8e
Taylor, Koko Wang dang Doodle Roots records 5e
T-Bear & the Dukes of Rhythm: Let the sweet talk flow ex- 7e
Ter, Eric: Nu-tur CDR 5e
Terry, Sonny & Brownie McGhee: Pawnshop blues digipak 5e
Terry, Sonny & Brownie McGhee: 1938-48 JSP 5-Cd-Box 20e
Texas Alexander: & His Circle 1927-51 4-Cd-Box JSP 17e
Tharpe. Sister Rosetta: Eight classic albums 4-Cd -Box 15e
Thien, Kirsten: Delicious digipak ex- 5e
13: Featuring Lester Butler 10e
´ Thorogood, George: The Baddest of 5e
Thorogood, George: Born to be bad 5e
Tibbs, Andrew: The Chonological 1947-51 ex- 6e
Thomas, Joe: The Complete recordings 1945-50 10e
Thomas, Kid: Adds ex- 8e
Thomas, Tommy: You put that dog ahed of me 10e
Thomas, Rufus: Blues thang 6e
Thomas, Rufus: That woman is poison 8e
Thompson, Sonny: Jam Sonny Jam long dleted 20tr. Sequel ex- 12e
Thorogood, George: Ride til I die 4e
Thorogood, George: Hard stuff 5e
Thorogood, George: Boogie People 4e
Thorogood, George: 30 years of rock - Greatest hits 5e
Thorogood, George: Let´´s work together Live 5e
Thorogood, George: Live 30th anniversary tour 5e
Thorogood, George: Rockin my life away 5e
Thorogood, George: Emi Years 2-CD 7e
Thorogood, George: Boogie people 4e
Thorogood, George: Anthology 2-Cd ex- 6e
´ Thorogood, George: Ride til I die 4e
Thorogood, George: bad to the Bone 5e
Til, Sonny & the Orioles: Still crying in the chapel 2-cd Jasmine 10e
Tinderholt, Joakim: You gotta do more 6e
Tiny Topsy & Lula Reed: Just a little bit - Federal queens ofg New Breed R&B 15e
Toler Townsend Band: S/T 5e
Tracy, Steve: Going to Cincinnati ex- 5e
Trash: S/T suomalainen bluesomakustanne digipak CDR 10e
Treanor, Dan/Creighton Holley/Kyle Roberts: Amercain Primative digipak ex- 5e
Tucker, Luther: Sad Hourse ex- promo-cut out 5e
Turmes, Jeff: Every days my lucky day ex- 8e
Turner, Big Joe: Honey Hus 11tr. Jwel 5e
Turner, Big Joe with Count Basie orchestra: Flip flop and fly 5e
Turner, Big Joe: The Boss of the Blue sings Kanas City Jazz 2-CD Bear Family 10e
Turner, Big Joe: The very best of 16tr. Rhino 5e
Turner, Big Joe: Jackson on my mind 5e
Turner, Big Joe: All the classic hits 1938-52 5-Cd-Box JSP slipcase ex- 15e
Turner, Big Joe: Fivel classic albums plus 4-Cd digipak 12e
Turner, Ike: Sessionography volume one 4-Cd digipak 12e
Turner, Ike: Rock-a-bucket 2-CD 4e
Turner, Joe: Jumpin tonight pahvikotelo, promo-cut out 5e
Turner, Roy: A pocketful of aces 6e
Turner, Troy: Blues on my back 5e
Turner, Troy: Handful of aces 5e
Two Timers: Aubrey Rex and other stories Mint (muoveissa) 5e
Two Timers: Lucky dip Mint (muoveissa) 8e
Tyler, Roy: Three way calling 10e
Upsetters: S/T ex- 7e
Walker, Phillip: Goin back home 10e
Walker, Big Moose: The Rising Sun collection ex- 10e
Walker, T-Bone: Back on the scene Texas 1966 7e
Walker, T-Bone: The best of the Black and white and Imperial years 6e
Walker, T-Bone_ T-Bone starndard time 7e
Walker, Robert Bilbo: Rompin & stompin ex- 7e
Walton, Mercy Dee: Danger zone 1949-55 ex- 10e
Van Nuys, James & Bob Fahey: One dollar blues digipak ex- 7e
Ward, Robert: Rhythm of the people ex-, ei cut out 5e
Ward, ZZ: Til the casket drops 10e
Varhama, Baby Boy: Lahti blue 8e
V/A Talk to me Daddy 21tr. Flyright 10e
V/A Savoy Blues 1944-1994 3-Cd digipak 20e
V/A Blues women 1944-1952 23 tr. Acrobat 4e
V/A Beating the Petrello Ban - the Late December 1947 Modern sessions 2-Cd 49tr. Ace 15e
V/A On the Jive! 1950s R&B from Dolphins of Hoillywood vol. 1 25tr. Ace 10e
V/A Doo Wop Across America - New York & Connecticut 56tr. Jasmine 2-Cd 10e
V/A Can´t keep from crying - Topical blues on the death of President Kenndy ex- 5e
V/A Down Home Blues - New York Cinninnati & The North Eastern states 4-CD 25e
V/A Down Home Blues Detroit special 3.Cd 20e
V/A Down Home Blues Miami Atlanta & Southern states 3-Cd 25e
V/A Saxophony! Jubilee honkers & shouters 21tr. Sequel 7e
V/A Honkin the boogie Hot 40s and 50s saxes 20tr. Acrobat 5e
V/A Modern Chicago Blues ex- 7e
V/A Ham hocks & cornbread 4-CD JASP 17e
V/A Modern Chicago Blues ex- 7e
V/A Blues Across America - the Detrot Scene 6e
V/A Blues Across America - the Nashville scene 10e
V/A Blues Across America - the Chicago Scene 8e
V/A Downhome blues sessions vol. 5 Back in the alley 1949-54 26tr. Ace 10e
V/A Mojo Mamas 7e
V/A Motor City Blues Please Mr Foreman - the Ann Arbour blues & jazz festival vol. 1 7e
V/A Chicago Boss Guitar Buddy Guy, Otis Rush, Magic Sam woc 7e
V/A Criminal records - law, disorder and the pursuit of vinyl justicve 24tr. Ace 10e
V/A Down Home Blues Classics vol. 2 1946-54 Texas 4-Cd-Box 12e
V/A Down Home Blues Classics vol. 1 1943-1953 4-Cd-Box 10e
V/A Jewel/Paul Blues story 2-Cd 12e
V/A Blues from Dolphins of Hollywood 26tr. Ace 8e
V/A Sidewinder - the Jewel-Paula story 2-Cd 10e
V/A Nightrain goes spoonful 31tr. CDR 15e
V/A Can´t stop playing boogie woogie 24tr. Jasmine 5e
V/A Bluestown story vol. 1 7e
V/A Bluestown Story vol. 2 7e
V/A Foxy R&B 25tr. Ace 8e
V/A Jumping at Jubilee - The Jubilee blues & rhythm story 22tr. Sequel ex- 5e
´ V/A New Orleans rarities volume 2 1950-1956 15e
V/A Ballin in N´Awlins volume 2 original 1952-58 recordings 15e
V/A Bloddstains on the wall Country blues from Specialty 25tr. Ace 8e
V/A Shoo be doo de Doo Wop 18tr. Ace 7e
V/A K.R.C records story 7e
V/A Healding the hits 50 classic r&b 6 doo wop sounds from the Hearld and Ember labels 1953-62 50tr. RPM/SHout 2-Cd 10e
V/A I´m gonna be a wheel someday - original recordings from Macnhester´s legendary Twisted Wheel Clyb 24tr. Jasmine 8e
V/A Chicago is just that way 1938-1954 4-Cd JSp Box 17e
V/A Wolf records - 20th anniversary collection Mint (muoveissa) Plektra 6e
V/A The Sky is crying story - The Fire records story 2-CD digipak 5e
V/A Alligator Records - 40th Anniversary collection 2-Cd 7e
´V/A Till the night is gone - a tribute to Doc Pomus Los Lobos, Dion, Dr John ym US-painos 10er
V/A Sticks and stones - The Sue records story 2-Cd digpak 5e
V/A Urban Blues volumes 1 & 2 BGO 8e
V/A Sneakin around - the London records R&B story 1949-51 2-Cd 10e
V/A Bad bad whiskey - Galaxy masters 26 tr. Ace 10e
V/A Swing time shouters vol. 2 18trt. Night train 8e
V/A USA records blues story 26tr. Fuel co 8e
V/A Love is a wailing thing the MGM 5500 series 8e
V/A New Orleans rock´n roll party 23tr. Night train 15e
V/A Lll night long the play the blues 23tr. Specialty 15e
V/A Profile recors story 7e
V/A Bullet & Sur-speed records stroy digipak 5e
V/A Downneat-Swingtime volume 1 & 2 24tr. 10e/kpl
V/A Rhythm...and rock 27tr. Westside 20e
V/A Peacock r&B kings vol. one 12e
V/A R n B wig-poppers 27 jump blues & sax blasters from the rockin 50´s 10e
V/A Music city Blues & rhythm 28tr. Ace 10e
V(A Harlem Blues 25tr. ABM 12e
V/A It´s a southern r&b thing vol. 1 & vol. 2 12e/kpl 12e
V/A Laughin at the Blues 27tr. Rev-ola 10e
V/A Best of Hollywood records vol. 1, 2 & 3 11e/kpl
V/A ABCO records Chicago 16tr. Wolf 8e
V/A Down the country way vol. 9 20tr. Bluesville co 10e
V/A Got my Mojo woriking 21tr. Flyright mm. Ann Cole & Noble Watts 10e
V/A Windy city blues 17tr. Stax co 5e
V/A Rarities from Bob Hite vaults 19tr. Dr. Boogie digipak ex- 8e
V/A Bear traces - Nuggets from Bob´s Barn 32tr Dr Boogie 8e
V/A Wasa Wasa Fabulous rhyhm n blues shakes on the dancefloor 1952ä-68 26tr. Dr. Boogie digipak 10e
V/A American blues legends 73/4 2-Cd 10e
V/A Music city story - Street cirner doo wop, raw r&b, and soulful sounds from Berkely California 1950-75 3-Cd-Box Ace 15e
V/A Don´t worry about the bear - The big Bear Blues heritage series 2-Cd slipcase 7e
V/A Ladies sing the blues Miss Rahpsody, Albina Jones, Linda Hopkins, Litte Esther & Big Maybelle ex- 7e
V/A Chicago blues box 8-Cd longBOX Storyville 25e
v/a Carnival time - Best of Ric records vol. 1 co 5e
V/A Eeny Meeny loc-a-li Blues & rhythm, popcornm exotica & tittyshakers volume 11 & 12 15e
V/A Jukebox Jam vol. 2 10e
V/A 6 Blues giants Live 6-Cd Box Reed& Winter, Hound Dog Taylor/Howlin Wolf/Hutto/Clearwater/ Snakeboy 10e
V/A 6 Blues giants Live 6-Cd Box Waters, Longhair, Left Hand Frank, Hutto, Clearwater, Luther Skaneboy Johnson) 10e
V/A R&B Hipshakers vol. 3 digipak ex- 10e
V/A Jukejoints volume 4 4-Cd JSP-Box 20e
V/A Legends Country Blues 5-CD-Box JSP 20e
V/A Chicago the Vee Jay Era 2-Cd 15e
V/A Rhythm n blues shouters 4-Cd longBOX Membran ex- 10e
V/A The Roots of it all Acoustic blues the definiteve collection vol. 2 55tr. Bear Family 2-Cd digipak 15e
V/A Snadraxh and Boomstic - Exotic Blues & Rhythm vol. 9 & 10 UUSI (muoveissa) 10e
V/A Blues Line Finland digipak 5e
V/A Deep feeling - 75 masterpieces of blues guitar heroes 3-Cd digipak 8e
V/A Head Rag Hop - Piano blues 1925-1960 4-CD-Box JSP 20e
V/A Roots of rock´n roll - Rough & rowdy 10-Cd-Box 15e
V/A Rhythm & Booze: 25tr Stateside 5e
V/A The Ladies in Blues 4-öCd-lopngBOX 10e
V/A Outta sight the R&B collection vol. 1-4 7e/kpl
V/A Beat from Badsville vol. 4 UUSI 10e
V/A Jump and shout ex- 8e
V/A Diggin Deeper - 200 legendary blues treasure 10-CD-BOX 15e
V/A Boogie Woogie 10-CD-Box Documents 20e
V/A Cajun collection 100 original Cajun classics from Louisiana 4-Cd-Box, slipcase ex- 13e
V/A Jumpin the Blues 22tr Ace UUSI 15e
V/A Jump Blue Rockin the Jooks 5e
V/A Blues from The Vocalion vaults 2-Cd digipak 7e
V/A Mississippi Juke Joint Blues 4-CD-Box 15e
V/A Roots & Blues 20-CD-BOX hieno Sonyn julkaisu 60e
V/A Jamie/Guyden story 60tr. Bear Family 2-CD ex- 15e
V/A Bluesville Vol. 1 Folk blues 7e
V/A Bluesville vol. 2 Electric Blues 7e
V/A Fogotten saxes vol. 1 CDR 10e
V/A Dealing with the Devil´s Music - Bluesmen in Britain ex- 8e
V/A Night train to Nashville - music cioty rhythm & blues 1945-70 2-Cd 8e
V/A Crescent city bounce - New Orleans R&B 1950-58 uunituore Jasmine UUSI 15e
V/A The Blues the Whole blues and nothing but the blues 3-CD 8e
V/A Rounder Europe Blues Revue 3-Cd 8e
V/A On the Road again Country Blues 1969.74 23 tr. Flyright UUSI 13e
V/A Los Angeles Rhythm & Blues 1944-54 2-CD UUSi 12e
V/A Not the same old blues crap II ex- 4e
V/A Not the same old blues crap digpak 5e
V/A Am I reching for the sky - The women who sang with the Howard Biggs Orchestra 1951-57 30tr. Jasmine UUSI 14e
V/A Am I reaching for the sky - the Women who sang with the Howard Biigs orchestra 1951-57 Jasmine UUSI 14e
V/A Savonsolmu beach & blues party Doctor´s Order, Tomi Leino, Groovy Eyes ym 6e
V/A Delmark - 55 years of blues 2-CD promo-co 7e
V/A Rocky mountain blues - a collection of contemporary blues songs from the state of Colorado vol. 1 10e
V/A Just wailing 50 masterpieces by 26 blues harmonica heroes 2-CD 8e
V/A Best of Chicago blues 19tr. Vanguard 5e
V/A ABC of the Blues - the Ultimate collection from the Delta to the Big cities 52-CD-Box, huuliharppu 35e
V/A Southern Rhythms Louis Brooks, Kid King+´s Combo & Skippy Brooks. 50-luvun Excello-instry-rhythm n bluesia 24 tr. Ace UUSi 15e
V/A History of Doo Wop vol. 1 1930-52 2-CD UUSI 15e
V/A Watch you step - The Soulful roots of Philadelphia soul 1959-62 UUSI 14e
V/A Buzzsaw Cuts 1 & 2 32tr. Stag-o-Lee UUSI 15e
´V/A Rare West Coast Jump n jive 1945-54 4-CD 20e
V/A Masters 1 of blues 90-luvun suomalainen Chess-kokoelma ex- 5e
V/A Hellhound on my trail the songs of Robert Johnson 7e
V/A Harmonica Masters Classic recordings from the 1920s and 30s 15e
V/A Harmonica blues 1929-40 10e
V/A Cafe New Orleans - 32 original recordings UUSI 5e
V/A Putumayoy Presents New Orleans digipak 5e
V/A Slow Grind Fever vol. 7 & 8 UUSI 17e
V/A Mojo working - the Best of Ace Blues ex- 7e
V/A Alligator...makes the blues come alive ex- 6e
V/A Charly Blues Masterworks 4-CD longbox ex- 15e
V/A Louisiana Saturday night revisited 24tr. Ace 10e
V/A Blues Across America - the Chicago scene 6e
V/A St Louis Blue revue the Classic Boppin sessions 29tr. ace ex- 7e
V/A Rought treatment - The J.O.B records story 15e
V/A I blueskvarter Chicago 1964, vol. 2 2-CD Ruotsin radion nauhoituksia 12e
V/A Jumpin the blues 22tr. Ace 8e
V/A Harlem Street stroll - 40 original rhythm & blues classciscs 2-Cd slipcase 5e
V/A Sue´s Rock n blues - the UK Sue Label story voil. 2 26tr. Ace 10e
V/A Roots music - An American journey Rounder 4-CD-BOX 17e
V/A Sneakin around the London records r&b stroy 1949-51 2-CD 10e
V/A Teachin the blues - 21 blues originals whik inspired Eric Clapton 6e
V/A Sequel´s Blues on a fuse 4e
V/A Cool Playing Blues 8e
V/A Blow Brother Blow 18 blues harmonica classics 8e br> V/A Sun Legend Rhytym & Blues vol. 1 5e
V/A Swallow records Louisiana Cajun Music special 22tr. Ace ex- 5e
V/A Best of Excello records Gospel 24tr. Ace 10e
V/A Take it Of! Striptease classics 22tr Rhino upea 3-D -kansi 10e
V/A Swallow records Louisiana Cajun Music special 22tr. Ace ex- 5e
V/A Best of Excello records Gospel 24tr. Ace 10e
V/A Down Home Blues Chicago Fine Boogie 5-CD-BOX Wienerworld UUSI (muoveissa) 35e
V/A Boss Black Rockers vol. 6 Koko Mojon hienon sarjan uusin osa UUSI 18e
V/A 20 Great R&B hits of the 50s 7e
V/A Blues - the Chicago years 6e
V/A Rocky mountain blues - a collection of comtemporary blues songs from the state of Colorado vol. 1 ex- 7e
V/A Blues Power Radiomafia Roots Evening sessions vol. 1 15e
V/A Black top blues-a-rama vol. 3 James Davis, Ron Levy & Bobby Radclif Live in Tipitina´s 10e
V/A Raging harlem hit parade Relic 7009 10e
V/A Bluesville years vol. 1Watson, Johnny Guitar: Blues masters Very best of Rhino 20tr. 8e
V/A Down Home Blues Classics Texas 1946-1954 4-CD UUSI 15e
Washington, Albert: Blues & soul man 25tr. Ace ex- 7e
Washington, Geno: The Return of the G ex- 7e
Waters, Muddy/Johnny Winter/James Cotton: Live in NY 77 2-Cd radioliveä 15e
Waters, Muddy: Hard again 5e
Waters, Muddy: The Chess Singles collection & At Newport 1960 4-Cd 7e
Waters, Muddy: 1965-73 Live recordings 7e
Waters, Muddy: Chicago 1979 8e
Waters, Muddy: I can´t be satisfied, pahvikansi gs 6e
Waters, Muddy: Rollin stone 2-CD Proper 6e
Waters, Muddy: Story 4-Cd Chrome Drams 15e
Waters, Muddy: Blues sky 5e
Waters, Muddy: Mannish Boy - 69 Blues classics 3-CD UUSI 7e
Waters, Muddy: Anthology 3-CD Not Now digpak 5e
Waters, Muddy: Funky Butt - Charly blues masterworks vol. 39 10e
Watts, Noble: Honkin, shakin & slidin 31 tr. Jasmine 8e
Vaughan, Stevie Ray: Texas Flood 5e
Vaughan, Stevie Ray: Transmission impossible 3-Cd digipak 25e
Vaughan, Stevie Ray: Couldn+t stand the weather 5 bonaria 5e
Vaughan, Stevie Ray: In the beginning Music on CD -painos 8e
Vaughan, Stevie Ray: Live at Carnegie Hall 5e
Vaughan, Stevie Ray: Texas flood 5 bonaria 5e
Vaughan, Stevie Ray: In the beginning 5e
Wayne, Kenny: Blues boss boogie 8e
Weathersby, Carl: Come to Papa ex- 7e
Weepers: Jumpology perfomances for lovers CDR 7e
Weld, Dave & the Imperial Flames: Burnin love ex- 10e
Wentus Blues Band: Famiily meeting 3tr. 4e
Wheeler, Mike Band: Turn Up! promo-co 7e
Wheeler, TJ & the Smokers: Storybrook UUSI (muoveissa) 15e
White, Josh: Blues & Ballads 18tr. Acrobat 3e
White, Josh Jr: In tribute to Josh White 10e
White, Miss Lavelle: I haven´t been easy ex- 7e
Whitley, Chris: Living with the law 5e
Whitmore, William Elliott: Radioum death 10e
Wichard, Al Cake: Cake walkin - the Modern recordings 1947-48 24tr. Ace 10e
Wilden, Dani: Live at Brighton Road CD+DVD digipak, CD=NM, DVD=VG+ 13e
Wiley, Doc Trio: Wild cat boogie 18tr. Ace 10e
Williams, Big Joe: Po Joe 25tr. ABM 5e
Williams, Big Joe: And the stars of Mississippi 5-CD-Box JSP 20e
Williams, Andre: Aphrodisiac ex- 5e
Williams, Andre: Mr Rhythm 27tr. Eagles 7e
Williams, Jody: Return of a legend ex- 7e
Williams, Jody: In session 1954-1962 28tr. Jasmine 8e
Williams, Lee Shot: Cold shot digipak ex- 6e
Williams, Mary Lou: Collection 1927-59 2-Cd 7e
Williams, Otis & Charms: The original Rockin and chart masters 28tr. Ace 10e
Williams, Sherman: Chronological 1947-51 11e
Williamson, Sonny Boy: His Best 5e
Williamson, Sonny Boy: Cool cool cool the Classic sides 1951-54 4-Cd-BOX, JSp 25e
Williamson, Sonny Boy: Bes of 20tr. Spectrum 4e
Williamson, Sonny Boy: Keep it to ourseloves 10e
Williamson, Sonny Boy: His best digipak ex- 4e
Williamson, Sonny Boy: Down and out blues/In Memorium slipcase 10e
Wilson, Big Daddy: Love is the key UUSI 15e
Wilson, Big Daddy: Love is the key 10e
Wilson, Big Daddy: Thumb a ride 10e
Wilson, Jimmy & His All-Stars: Jumpin from six to six 26tr. Official 15e
Wilson, Michelle: Wake up call digipak 10e
Wiltse, John: Hard 2 b blue ex- 5e
Vinson, Eddie: Clean Head´s Back in Town 3 bonaria 7e
Vinson, Eddie Cleanhead: Honk for Texas 4-Cd.Box JSP 20e
Winter, Johnny: Best of 16tr. Columbia 5e
Winter, Johnny: A rock´n roll colelction 2-Cd 7e
Winter, Johnny: Alive and well 5e
Witherspoon, Jimmy: Ain´t nobody´s business digipak 4e
Witherspoon, Jimmy: Spoon so easy 4e
Witherspoon, Jimmy: Goin around in circles 4e
Withespoon, Jimmy: Four classic albums + 10 Modern tracls from 1049-50 2-Cd 5e
Witherspoon, Jimmy: Spoon 10e
Witherspoon, Jimmy_ Urban blues siongin legend 4-CD-Box JSP 15er
Vollebek, Leif: Twin solitude digipak 6e
Wood Brothers: Ways not to lose 5e
Voutilainen, Jake: Determination 7e
Wristshakers: Fresh rye 5tr 8e
Wynn, Jim: The Chronological 1945-1946 UUSI 10e
Young, Mighty Joe: Legacy of the blues vol. 4 6e
Yates, Bill: Blues like midnight 33tr. Bear Family digipak 10e
Yngström, Clas & Sky High: Fuzzroce 6e
ZZ Top: Live from Montreux 2013 DVD 8e



Uudet vinyylit ja CD:t, musakirjat



Kotimainen rock

Ulkomainen rock A-K

Ulkomainen rock L-Ö

Rock`n Roll, rockabilly

Blues, R&B

Reggae, Soul, Funk




Kotimainen iskelmä

Kotimaiset singlet

Ulkomaiset singlet